binance is a big market, when he released the airdrop BNB, the members were surprised that the rate was high.
yes binance is a great market, I myself use it as a wallet coin that I collect.
BNB is a digital asset created by Binance. The BNB stands on the Etherchain blockchain using the ERC20 standard token. Every four months, Binance will use its 20% profit to buy back the BNB and destroy it until it buys 50% of the total BNB so that there will only be 100,000,000 million BNB in circulation. BNB is ranked * 10 out of a total of 2059 digital assets at BNB's total supply is 189,175,490 BNB.
Use BNB coin for trading. I guarantee you will get a lot of profit from your transaction. I have been trading BNB coin for 6 months and have grown 2x it.
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