don't want to sell cheap dogecoin. the price of dogecoin continues to soar along with the price of bitcoin. and will continue.
I still keep a little doge coin, I'm waiting for the right moment to sell the doge coin that I have.
I think doge is less profitable if used for trading because the price is stable.
I agree, indeed a stable coin is not suitable for trading, only suitable for a save haven.
if I use doge only for transactions, for example if I want to make a withdrawal at a changer I definitely wear a doge because usually the doge fee is very small.
Very interesting sir, it's true that doge usually has a low withdrawal fee, not more than 10 doge.
of course depending on the needs of whether to save or sell, sometimes people keep small amounts of doge for future purposes.
therefore, use money free from anything (free) so that long-term investment will not be a burden. many people who think instant, make investments with living necessities and when their investments fail he will be frustrated.
does anyone have an Epayment or Allerpay exchange link to dogecoinn that is safe?
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