Ethereum will definitely improve, the development of ETH is safer compared to other new cryptos. need to remember ETH is a successful crypto category.
Ethereum is very good as a token parent, the current setup price is good enough to be maintained at 247.45, up 8% today
Ethereum is very stable, gradually we can save ETH, the price movement is 453.35USD is very potential towards 500 USD in the near future.
A safer cryptocurrency for trading or investing is etherium, compared to other cryptocurrencies whose fluctuating values are too extreme and dangerous.
Price movement is 453.35USD is very potential towards 500 USD in the near future.
I don't really know about cryptocurrency, only a few coins I know. Last I saw etherium still priced at $ 400-500 but now it's $ 1340. wow eth in my opinion a very good coin.
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