with the current XLM price to return to $ 1 it takes 10x to increase or 1000%, in my opinion it will be very difficult.
there is nothing difficult in cryptocurrency, if again a good 100% increase can occur in just one day.
xlm with so much support from large companies, it will be one of the best coins in the future.
many large companies including IBM are supporting xlm to move forward.
meaning the price of 1 usd is not a problem, in my opinion it can be even more.
the important thing is that it can become an asset that can grow so that the price continues to rise consistently and is not easy to fall again.
Thank God that XLM returns to the price of 1 usd so I can sell my xlm
yeah, don't sell before the price is above one usd, so the price is now rising
okay, maybe I will wait for higher prices.
may I ask, the xlm function itself apart from being for payment can be intended for anything else?
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