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Discussion started on EA Modifications

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Hi Admin/CP/other pro's here

I have created another EA on the EA wizard, but that code creator puts a lot of unnecessary code or functions, and doesn't close the trades as I would like, and which is much more profitable.
The 2 EA's work with the same indicators, the difference between the 2 is basically how they "react" to MFI.
Let me 1st explain the EA's
AC, Bull Power, Bears Power and MFI.
Open buy: AC crosses up the 0 line(0 line= double variable),  AND
                Bull Power > (0 double variable), AND
                Bear Power > (0 double variable), AND
                MFI =< MFS (MFS also a double variable)

Open sell: The exact opposite of open buy , except MFI => MFB (MFB double variable)

The AC BB MF works exactly the same EXCEPT the 4th condition for MFI is on buy MFI =>MFB and on a sell MFI=<MFS

The EA's work fine, they open trades only when a bars has closed, (which is what I prefer, I suppose it is because I gave the buy/sell condition as AC crosses below, ie AC(0) >0 AND AC(1)<0 for a buy)
The tweaks I would like is my standard:
Close half the position on TP (Int variable), and close the balance of the trade on an opposite signal. Where it must take the opposite direction direction trade. (Close buy conditions are the same as open sell, and vice versa)
Also, it can add to a same direction trade, but not within a certain amount of pips of the 1st position, with a max amount of open trades for a specific currency as described below:
2) I have the function to open multiple trades, with a max nr set, but it opens all the max trades on the same bar, where it should open 1 only, and when it gets a new signal for the same direction (eg, EURUSD sell 1 at 1.1630, it should only open a new sell when it gets a new signal at EURUSD>1.1630+at least 10pips, now it takes the max trades within 1 pip)

3) Partial close, close 50% of the position at x amount of pips, and the balance close at an opposite signal.

Hope this is doable, please let me know

If it can't be amended, just optimize this, also for other users on the forum. If you require the ex4 file, just ask and I will post it or pop it into your MT4 editor and compile it. It works OK on GBPUSD M15, and EURUSD M5, you just need to get the right cross over signal values for your broker.


#1 - September 04, 2018, 08:20:09 PM


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