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Could you modify my EA for Free.

Discussion started on EA Modifications

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Hello all, I have an EA and Im looking to modify a few things to it. 

I have attached a spreadsheet with an explanation of the current strategy and the proposed changes, along with the 2 indicators needed and the MQ4 file.

Here's a quick list of the propose changes.
1. Engine 1: Add max martingale level
2. Engine 2: Hedging T/F
3. Auto switching of the buy or sell only trades base on the 4hr indicators
4. News Filter (High Impact Only) T/F
5. Close all trades 1 hr before news: T/F
6. Auto lot size calculator

I have no coding experience and any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you all in advance!!. :)

#1 - June 16, 2019, 04:02:56 PM
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 04:19:52 PM by equalizer35 »

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Hi, I'll try to help.
I'll investigate all this and let you know.
#2 - June 17, 2019, 09:11:48 PM

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Thank you CrazyProg,

If all possible can we please have Breakout: T/F and MajorKiller: T/F

Many Thanks,
#3 - June 19, 2019, 12:59:34 PM

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Thank you CrazyProg,

If all possible can we please have Breakout: T/F and MajorKiller: T/F

Many Thanks,
Hi, I'll try.
#4 - June 20, 2019, 07:31:54 PM

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has anyone used this
#5 - June 26, 2019, 07:29:46 AM

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has anyone used this
apparently no one has used or tried to help modify this EA. I am also still a little confused with this EA system :-\
#6 - June 28, 2019, 11:07:45 AM

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The main purpose for the modification request was for the EA to automatically take a trade and continue to trade on the same direction as the arrow from the breakout and the majorkiller spike base on the 4Hr timeframe. 

Here are the sequence and rules for a trade to take place:
1. 1st Criteria
    A. Majorkiller red or green spike should be at 15 or higher
2. 2nd Criteria
    B. Breakout arrow red or green should appear within 72 hrs after the majorkiller spike
3. Both A and B must be true and on the same direction (4hr), otherwise the signal is invalid.
4. When the signals are True, EA waits for any existing open position from the previous direction to close first, then it starts new trade towards the new direction. (buy/sell only trades; base on 4Hr signals)
#7 - June 30, 2019, 10:17:27 AM


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