I have taken the bonus but within 30 days I still cannot fulfill the specified lot requirements.
yes, it is rather difficult to fulfill the welcome bonus lot at FBS.
FBS broker that continues to grow from year to year, brokers who provide education for new traders, not until there fbs also provide free capital for people who want to start the world of trading.
Very good, these fbs, free education, free capital are all free. I think fbs is too good.
this is an opportunity, so make the best use of it, because rarely are brokers like FBS.
right, there's rarely a broker like FBS because every broker has its own characteristics that can attract customers.
FBS is famous for its bonus NDB, all of them know, indeed it is a characteristic. like ticmill is identical to thin spreads.
FBS besides bonus trade 100 there are also bonus points that you will get every deposit, and these points can be exchanged for the USD balance if you have fulfilled the requirements.
Today I open the address of the FBS website, id-fbs.asia, but it can't be opened, why? is there a new web address?
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