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Copying forex to be successful

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  • Jr. Member
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         Yes, there is a great way of success to autocopy other successful traders. I recommend  aurum-markets for copying as I have been using this platform since last couple of years. If you want to copy my trades then search 381 strategy after registration as trader. Here is the registration link:,
      You can track my progress here:
       So first you have to register in as trader then go to copy trading section and select as 381 strategy as master,  while doing this just  set  copying ratio as (1:1) if you have 212$ balance and increase the ratio, if you have multiple of 212$. if you feel trouble at any stage then contact me. Happy trading


#1 - February 18, 2025, 10:13:03 PM

  • Jr. Member
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             Making daily profit is dream of every forex trader. But the reality is rather different, so yo can see both successfull and losing trades however, overall profit trades are greater than loss trades, so this is the way for success. Auto copy my trades on cabana Capitals and enjoy daily profit. Here is the link
#2 - February 26, 2025, 03:03:48 AM


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