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Forex Zone Holiday Contest

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01 january 2022,

First, I wish you a happy new year 2022 for the forexzone forum, where this forexzone forum from year to year always provides innovation and facilities that are always updated from year to year and still exist today.

Then secondly, I am very grateful to the forexzone forum which has provided many benefits, especially for me, it doesn't feel like it's been two years since I joined this forum and it doesn't feel like I have had many memories with this forum, but the most memorable for me I am some of the facilities and advantages that I get on this forum that can change my life and change my views on forum posts,

? From this forexzone forum I learned a lot about trading systems, trading management, risk management in foreign exchange trading because there are many educational materials provided here for free.
? Many technical tools that really help me to analyze the market that I get here for free here
? And the most attractive thing in this forum are some additional benefits such as posting bonuses and contests where all members can have the opportunity to trade with free money, and I've also experienced it.
? And some of the newest features that this forum has to offer are FZT tokens and SIGNA coins. Where everyone can get daily payments in the form of dividends if they hold this FZT token,

The forexzone administrator always gives the best for its members and always has a long-term project for this forum and I really appreciate and respect the forexzone administrator.
And one of the benefits that I have received lately is that I get a signa coin prize which is held every day in this forum and that makes me very excited to be active in this forum even though I have not been able to give my best for this forum but I will working hard to develop this forum and introduce it to the world.

Maybe that's all I can say on this occasion, at the beginning of 2022, hopefully this forexzone forum will always develop to be more innovative and more successful to become a place for foreign exchange traders who want to learn about how to trade and how to invest.

Thank you forexzone,
Thank you forexzone administrator
Thanks to the entire forum team involved.


best regards.

#271 - January 01, 2022, 09:47:08 AM

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_01-ucapan-tahun-baru

The year 2022 has come, new enthusiasm, new resolutions, new targets, new plans and all may always be with us all. It's been almost 3 years since I joined ForexZone forum since February 05, 2019. Since then I feel like a found a new home to share, to seek knowledge and to earn money for my trading capital. I have been through many things in this forum since I joined here, and I have also experienced many benefits, especially many things that I got from paying from this forum. And that's all I am very grateful for and enjoy. Without realizing it, we have all gone through a tough year since the Covid19 pandemic hit.


Trading and cryptocurrencies in my opinion will grow and become more interesting in the future. Along with this, more and more people will try this business. And because of that it would be very useful to have a forum like ForexZone in my opinion. Because there are two great benefits that we can get from a forum like this

  • Knowledge. Where this is very much needed by every trader to be able to guide them to be able to trade well, especially for those who do not have a mentor
  • Money. It is undeniable that if we want to start trading, we must use money for capital. And we can get it here for free

And I really appreciate everything that ForexZone has given me so far especially to Admin. And ForexZone has also made various innovations in various ways, especially in terms of bonus payments which in my opinion with the FZT token makes ForexZone very different from other forums. Hopefully in the future ForexZone will continue to innovate in any way to make this forum more interesting.


My suggestion for this forum is

  • There is a facility to transfer points to other members. This can be useful for rewarding other members for what they have done, beyond just likes and reputation. Or it can also be useful later through this facility
  • There is a special subthread for buying and selling transactions. It can be anything, referrals, airdrops, and so on. I think this can make this forum even more alive
  • Members who provide useful things can get more points for their posts. For example, someone made a very useful thread, or gave an explanation of whatever it was. I think this will be fair, because extraordinary people's posts will certainly have different values from ordinary people's posts, and this can also trigger a useful discussion.
  • There is a special prize for members who can trade on the recommended brokers in this forum (Fxglory, fxopen, cryptoaltum, paxforex) for a long time. For example, a member who successfully trades actively within a period of 6 months will get an FZT of 100,000 or something. Because for me this will be able to trigger members to trade actively, and of course it will also have a positive impact on this forum

And to support this forum I always share about this forum in various forums and social media that I have. For forums, I share them in the 8 largest forums in Indonesia where I am (Kaskus, ForexIndo, KGForex World, IndonesiaIndonesia, Free Forum Indonesia, Indowebster, Bitcoin Forum, FX Indo Forex Forum) and for social media that I have I share it on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Hope it helps this forum.


Like the testimonials that have been given by other members, I am very happy that this forum has also provided many benefits. Just as I also have gained a lot from this forum (I will include in the image attachment what I have gotten from this forum), an invaluable thing for me. And I feel very indebted to this ForexZone. Hopefully more people will be helped from this forum in any way. And I hope this forum will continue to survive and always exist and there will be more innovations or better developments in the future. 


Merry Christmas and  Happy New Year 2022 to Everyone

#272 - January 02, 2022, 11:14:38 PM

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Happy New Year 2022. May the coming year be full of adventures and great opportunities

I have just joined, I have had the opportunity to earn money, one of which I have received is the benefit of learning  

♨️Forex and Crypto Education
♨️FZT Token Benefits 

The above is a very good feature on the forum.

Thank you 
#273 - January 02, 2022, 11:47:30 PM

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I hope I win, and thank you for having me and this chance to learn more about the crypto world with you guys!! please take care of me..
#274 - January 02, 2022, 11:56:53 PM

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read in the first post bro,,, for all contest conditions apply... 
#275 - January 03, 2022, 12:08:29 AM

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_giphy

I'm the type of person who can't make small talk, so I wanted to get straight to it. So far this ForexZone has helped me quite a lot. I got free trading money several times from the contest and I made several withdrawals, and what's more amazing is that I can also withdraw the rebate from the results I trade with the free money, and also I won several daily contests. Honestly that's all the bonus I used to invest and speculate in crypto currency and I got things that I couldn't even imagine before. Out of all that I was able to buy 40 Grams of Pure Gold which was all worth around $2200. It might also be said to be lucky, because at that time I was speculating on the Shiba Inu coin which at that time had no price at all, and BOOM, suddenly the price of the Shiba Inu coin increased by thousands of percent. And from day to day now I am more and more interested in the world of crypto currency. And the most interesting thing is, I can say that all of that I got for free because I got the capital from this ForexZone. So I am very grateful to know this forum and to be able to use it very well. For Admins and for Moderators I love you all, you guys are the best. So to help support this forum, I often try to share it in some of my whatsup groups, I hope the small and simple things I do can help. Always success for ForexZone, hopefully this forum can get better, more popular, and will continue to exist forever. Happy New Year for Everyone. I hope we all get better and be successful this year !!!!!!

#276 - January 04, 2022, 02:36:16 PM

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_holiday-mood-56789aef727e61c604616c1b

This time I will try to participate again in this holiday contest. In this contest I want to convey 3 things. First is how very helpful I am to this forexzone forum, second is my advice for this forexzone forum and third is how I help support this forexzone forum.

First, I am very helped by the existence of this forexzone forum, because here I really get trading capital for free and I get useful knowledge that I apply and can make me get what I want. The free trading money I get from here comes from the several times I got prizes from the daily contests, which I won several times. And the knowledge that is really useful for me and I apply is the "Account Diversification Technique" created by ID Tahajud (thank you very much for him) which you can read about here. With this management technique, I was finally able to buy what I wanted, namely a new Levono IdeaPad 5 laptop, where this laptop costs almost $1000. And finally I can replace my old laptop which is old and quite heavy when I use it. And I am very satisfied to be able to achieve it thanks to this forum forexzone. Thank you also of course to the admin who has allowed me to join this forum, and until now. This is the real thing that I feel when I join this forexzone forum, and I am also very happy that many other friends also get a lot of things from this forum.

Second, I would like to provide input to this forum that may not have been conveyed by other members. I suggest a spoiler facility for the sake of uploading images to make it neater and simpler. This facility is commonly used in forums as far as I know, maybe later it can be adopted here as well.

Third, my way to support this forum is to share it on my twitter, because I am more active there, and I also often retweet posts made by forexzone admins so that more people will know, and understand the advantages and benefits from this forum and finally can be interested in becoming a member in this forexzone forum

In closing, I hope that this forum will be better in the future, more interesting, and that more and more other people will feel the positive impact and benefits. And I really appreciate every improvement and improvement that this forum makes to make it better of course.

Merry Christmas To Everyone
Happy New Year to Everyone
Hopefully We Can Deal With This Covid-19 Pandemic Well

#277 - January 05, 2022, 03:06:21 PM
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 04:26:39 PM by Admin »

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_maxresdefault

Hello everyone, how are you? I hope that we are all in good health and can survive the onslaught of this COVID-19 pandemic which has yet to subside. We have passed 2021 and we will face 2022, hopefully we all have prepared everything well and everything can be achieved this year. Finally this holiday contest is open again and I want to take part again as in the previous period it was extraordinary and beyond my expectations, I was the first winner. I hope that on the occasion of this contest I can also be a winner.

My hope for this forum is as stated by other members above, I want to add things that have not been conveyed. I want in the future, forexzone can use a broker that has a forexcopy facility to exchange points. I think this will be more useful and can trigger all of us to trade very well and very carefully, because the commissions that can be obtained in forex copy can be very large, depending on the number of followers you get. Overall forexzone is a very good forum, has been improving from time to time. And it has been proven that many can be helped and get what is targeted or wanted like the members above.

Just like last year, to support this forum, I made a post about this contest on my personal blog which I manage myself. Not only that, I also shared it in several telegram groups that have a lot of members there. With that I hope to be able to attract many members to finally be able to join this forum forexzone.

Thank you very much for what forexzone has given me, for all the prizes from various contests that I have received, it means a lot to me and I will never forget it forever. My hope is that this forum can still exist, can continue to improve and make good and interesting innovations so that more members will be interested in joining this forum. And hopefully my input or suggestion is considered by the admin, and can be implemented as soon as possible.

Good Luck to Everyone!!!
Merry Christmas to Everyone !!!
Happy New Year to Everyone!!!
And Hopefully The Covid19 Pandemic Will Pass Quickly !!!

#278 - January 06, 2022, 08:40:29 AM
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 08:42:29 AM by Trader Hijrah »

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_bloggif-61d7a0ae5eea5

First of all I would like to wish a happy new year to the Forex Zone forum, Forex Zone admin , Forex Zone moderators and all members of this group.

First of all, I want to say that I am very grateful that I am still given the opportunity to take part in this "Forex Zone Holiday Contest"
because there are so many things that make me happy and can give me something special. I joined this forum on October 5, 2021 and in my opinion this forum is the only forum that provides facilities and conveniences for people who want to learn trading. One thing I like about this forum is,

1. There are free indicators that can be downloaded for free for traders who want to use indicators in analyzing because there are many good indicators here
2. There are so many unique system strategies that are rarely heard among traders, which makes me and others want to learn more about them.
3. There are free signals and technicals shared here almost every day if traders want to use the free signals here.

Everything that I mentioned above is 100% free without any additional costs and even more powerful, there are many benefits in the form of additional income or bonuses provided by this forum that I have experienced even to this day, including :

1. Free trading money just by actively posting every day and when it is collected you can exchange it for free trading money, I exchanged 1000 points that I traded and I managed to get a profit of $55 then I withdrew it
2. There is an investment token called FZT (Forex Zone Token) which is indeed an attraction as an investment tool and is the only one in the forum world that makes tokens like this.
3. There is a daily contest where you will get SIGNA COIN which are indeed promoted in this forum, you will get these coins for free by only posting randomly selected posts every day.

And I am very proud and grateful to be a part of this Forex Zone forum family. I hope that in this new year, this forum we love will grow and progress. Let's together protect this beloved forum from negative things and I promise to provide positive things for the progress of this forum. Thank you Forexzone. You Are The Best Forum.

Thank you Forex Zone Admin and Staff,
happy new year 2022.

#279 - January 07, 2022, 09:13:27 AM
« Last Edit: January 07, 2022, 12:02:12 PM by Admin »

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Hello everyone,

I would like to thank the Forex Zone forum administrator and all staff. 

I am a new member here and I found news about this Forex Zone forum from a social media, and I tried to register, after reading about the contents of this forum I was very impressed with the contents of this forum, especially educational issues about forex trading learning systems and more. great again there is such a thing as the FZT Token which is the only forum that develops its own Token. There's been some fun in the few days I joined this forum,

1. The appearance of the Forex Zone Forum website is good, elegant and there are no sponsors passing by, of course this is a special attraction for new members to join.

2. The Forex Zone Admin way of explaining things patiently to members who don't understand about the facilities in the forum and of course using good manners and ethics.

3. Already included in the category of the most complete Forum because everything you need is already available to learn forex trading. There are many signals, indicators and education to study with a large selection.

As for the facilities that I have used a few days after joining, I can learn about Account Management education in the (Forex Education) section, and I also download several indicators in the (MT4/MT5 Indicator) section and all of them can be chosen at will and as many as- as much as I want.

The conclusion that I can draw for now, I am very satisfied with this Forex Zone Forum and I hope to help the development of this Forum in the future, I want to make more contributions to this Forex Zone Forum and I want to be a part of this Forum in the future. present and future.

Thanks Forex Zone 
I'm glad to have found you.
Love you Forex Zone.

#280 - January 08, 2022, 09:17:51 AM

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read in the first post bro,,, for all contest conditions apply...
How do I enter this competition, do you really need a post like that
#281 - January 09, 2022, 07:10:48 AM

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when will the winner be announced?
#282 - January 09, 2022, 07:49:55 AM

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Greetings to all of us.
Best regards, 
Forex Zone admin
and Moderator. 
How are you all, may we all be given health and smoothness.
On this wonderful occasion I wish the Forex Zone Forum a happy new year and I'm happy to join this forum even though I'm still young here, but I'm proud to join this forum.

I got a lot of knowledge here, especially about how to trade correctly and how to manage money from trading results here. And here also provides a trading system that I rarely hear about, the name is also unique and makes me curious. I haven't contributed too much to this forum I just wrote a few posts where I get points after posting. The good news is that I can exchange points for free trades or cryptocurrencies like FZT tokens.

When I first joined, I was still confused and surprised that there was a forum that gave a lot of prizes and benefits, which in this world are rare and even non-existent until I am confused about which one to choose. But after reading it many times I finally understood.

The conclusion that I can take here is that this Forex Zone forum is one or even the only forum that contributes very much to its members, and can choose which prizes the members like. So I also have to give good feedback for this forum too, I'm sorry I haven't fully contributed much to this forum but as time goes by I pray that this forum will continue to prosper and be more advanced for the following years.

Good Luck Forex Zone.
Hopefully it will be a useful forum for everyone.
#283 - January 09, 2022, 08:54:15 AM

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when will the winner be announced?
The contest ends on January 09 at 10 PM UTC. So it will be a little time after that since the winners will need selected and posted.

All winners will be listed here and also contacted by PM too.
#284 - January 09, 2022, 01:59:22 PM
Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_Forex%20Zone%20VIP%20Membership

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The contest ends on January 09 at 10 PM UTC. So it will be a little time after that since the winners will need selected and posted.

All winners will be listed here and also contacted by PM too.
Ok, thank you
#285 - January 09, 2022, 02:32:15 PM


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