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Forex Zone Holiday Contest

Discussion started on Forex Contests

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The holiday contest has now started. Good luck to everyone!
#301 - November 11, 2022, 10:00:11 PM

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It doesn't feel like soon we will enter the year 2023. Congratulations to ForexZone which has survived until now to become a forum that provides many lessons about trading and gives trading money for free, and of course this is not easy to be able to survive for a long time. Hopefully ForexZone will continue to exist and get better year after year. And hopefully all of us who are here also have to get better from year to year, always improve trading skills and profits that we get. So that all the targets in 2023 can be achieved.

Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_2023

#302 - November 12, 2022, 04:46:06 AM
« Last Edit: November 16, 2022, 10:29:06 AM by Admin »

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many benefits of joining in, I get extensive experience and knowledge in this forum.

every writing that I make is paid with points, all writing is always appreciated.

the forum is very generous, daily giving out free signums to those holding FZT and sending 1000 signums to daily contest winners.

The holiday contest has been reopened, this is an annual contest that always attracts the attention of many people. the prize that was distributed was so big for me that no other forum gave it like this.

I hope this forum is always successful, I'm very happy to be a member in

greetings success    , by. radcliffe spencer joseph

Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_2023-f
#303 - November 16, 2022, 02:23:47 AM
« Last Edit: November 16, 2022, 10:28:51 AM by Admin »

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I congratulate this forexzone forum which is still surviving and continuing to contribute to the advancement of the forex and crypto currency trading fields. Obviously this is not easy considering that there are so many paid forex trading that no longer exist or can't last long, and hopefully forexzone can become one of the paid forums that will continue to exist at any time to support those who are still confused in the field of forex and currency trading crypto. And of course hopefully forexzone can be better, continue to grow and continue to improve. Happy 2023 to all of us and hopefully next year we will all be even better.
As a presentation from me, I designed 2 logos for the new forex zone logo. 

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#304 - November 19, 2022, 02:41:58 PM

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Happy new year holiday
Forex Zone


It won't be long before we welcome the new year 2023 in the next few weeks, and this beloved forum always contributes at the end of each year like a holiday contest which is always opened to celebrate the new year.

I am very proud of this Forex Zone forum and the staff who always try to give happiness to its members, for the Forex Zone Admin I thank you very much because you always care about the development and progress of this forum, it is proven that in this one year there are lots of new promotions for the sake of pampering  its members and of course provide innovation breakthroughs here, there are many benefits that we can take advantage of here such as forex education, crypto investment and intensive trading rebates all of this was created and presented by this Forum solely for the sake of mutual progress.

As an example :

FZT token, this is a token that was originally created and developed by this Forum for those who want to invest in crypto.

Rebate trading, this is a good breakthrough for those of us who want to get passive income from trading volume.  (the advantage is having many credible broker options)

This daily signa is a daily contest given by the admin of the forum so that in posting every day if we are lucky we will get signa coins.

And that's not enough, the newest Forum Admin also presents a Posting bonus where each post will be automatically given a signa coin like mining.  This is an example of the Forum's kindness and understanding to all its members.  Once again, thank you Admin and Forum Staff for creating a great forum and as a very extraordinary forum for communication.
I love this Forum.
Once again,
thank you.
Yours faithfully,

forum admin, mikser moderator, Mrpips moderator.

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence"

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#305 - November 21, 2022, 05:40:29 PM

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Foexzone has been both educational and inspirational to to me.  I have learned so much and have some much more to learn.  Thank you Forexzone!!

I was originally drawn to this forum when I learn about Forexzone was using the SIGNUM token, FZT.  FZT is a model use case for the  use of tokens and for the SIGNUM network.  I truly hope this will be around for many years to  come.    After a long period of reading about foreign exchange trading, I was still very reluctant to dive in and trade with my own  money.  However, after a contest win of trading money, I now think I  know what I am doing and confident I can make a profit!

Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year!  2023!!!!

Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_DALL-E-2022-11-23-12-02-15-Currency-Trading-Drawing-New-Year
#306 - November 23, 2022, 05:23:12 PM
« Last Edit: November 23, 2022, 08:22:07 PM by smdburst »

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Hello everyone. We are now coming to the passed the year 2022 and welcome into the year 2023 a few days later.

I'm blackberry10 is one of user that has been registered here from the year 2018. Although i was not very active in posting here because my real-life work not giving me enough time to share my writings, i am still here now because i can read most of the many good postings here.

As you all know, is a forum that gives many users the to share their skills, and knowledge about forex and also cryptocurrency. Here, i can hone more of the knowledge that i need to improve my trading skills. also gives many benefits as a bonus to share among members that prove their loyalty and to attract more users to come in.

I am also one of the beneficiaries who received a price from I am attaching the attachment as evidence that can inspire others to continue being active in this forum.

I wish that will be cherished more in the year 2023. I also wish all members, team Moderator and Admin to stay healthy always. Good luck to all.

#307 - December 03, 2022, 04:26:04 AM

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The end of the year is the time for holiday contests to reopen on this forexzone forum. Such a good forum helps many of its members to earn income outside of their trading, which can be very helpful for those who don't have the capital to get it for free. A forum with a lot of knowledge in it which is very useful for building independence in trading forex and crypto. Forum whose existence still continues to this day.

I hope this forum will always grow, always bring many benefits to many people, can always be an example for other forums. Live on forexzone, I'm very lucky to get to know this forum even though I'm not very active in this forum because of my work, but I'm glad that this forum is always busy being visited by online residents.

Thank You Very Much ForexZone, Especially Admin !!!
Good Luck to All of Us !!!
Happy New Year 2023 Everyone !!!

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#308 - December 06, 2022, 02:55:33 AM
« Last Edit: December 06, 2022, 11:40:59 AM by Admin »

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Wednesday, December 7 2022

 Good Day
 Forex Zone Forum administrators
 moderator staff
 All members of the Forex Zone Forum

Please allow the admin and moderators of the forex zone forum to express my gratitude to this beloved forum. I joined this forum on December 2, 2022, but it's only been a few days since I joined here. I've felt the many benefits I've received, this forum has contributed to me a lot and has given me lots of prizes that I can participate in, I'm proud to be able to join the forum this is by the forum admin where I can express my time more to contribute more in this forum.
The benefits that I have felt here are:

 - get free signa coins admin held every day
 - Get a free signa from posting only with a certain amount of FZT tokens
 - I get a lot of free indicators that I can download without a penny.
 - I get the opportunity to learn a lot of knowledge here which if out there would have been paid.

 This forum is very classy and elegant and everyone should know about it, and there are lots of gifts or promotions that I can feel. I have a mission in the future to always be committed to maintaining this forum properly and honestly so that this forum will become more global and become a place and infrastructure for novice traders to learn.
 In closing, I just say thank you very much for all the contributions so far and I promise to do my best for this forum.

(Wednesday, December 7, 2022)

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#309 - December 07, 2022, 04:51:40 AM

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Finally I Can Participate in This Holiday Contest.

Thank you very much admin forexzone for changing the rules of this contest so maybe more people can participate. Congratulations to forexzone, which is still active until now and always provides many benefits for its members that other forums don't provide. The more new traders who know about this forum, in my opinion the better it will be, that's why we have to help the admin as well to disseminate information about this forum, so that there will be more and more, especially new traders who know this forum.

I really hope that there will be new contests that will come and be more interesting, even though the current one in my opinion is also interesting and very extraordinary to keep going.
I hope to Win This Contest,
Happy New Year 2023, Merry Christmas,

Thank You Very Much ForexZone,

Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_Thank-You

#310 - December 08, 2022, 11:20:24 AM
« Last Edit: December 08, 2022, 11:53:07 AM by Admin »

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_20221213-200718

hello admin and Moderators of the forex zone forum,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in the holiday contest,

The forex zone forum is an investment education forum in forex or cryptocurrency trading,

There are many things that we can learn in the Forex zone community, admins, moderators and members in this forum are very kind, because they are humble in giving / sharing the knowledge they have ,

This year is a lesson to face in the next year.

Forex zone Ist the best ,
Thank you forex zone and admin team,

#311 - December 13, 2022, 01:30:19 PM
« Last Edit: December 13, 2022, 01:54:11 PM by Admin »

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Best wishes to all of us, asking permission for the Admin Forum and the staff who are working don't realize the end of 2022 will be over soon and we are preparing to welcome the coming of the new year 2023.

Here I want to express my deep gratitude for being able to be given health and the ability to be active in this forum. I am very happy to be part of the family in this forum because this forum provides many things that I did not expect before.
In this Forex Zone forum, I want to express my feelings. thank you very much because I feel a change in learning forex trading and getting to know what currency investing is. As for the past few days I have received extraordinary benefits that are not available in other forums, including :

 - I won the daily contest several times
 - I managed to apply a new method about forex that I didn't understand before.

As for my long term plans here are:
 - trade and keep a trading journal starting in 2023 and I will share it with everyone through the media of this forum
 - Promoting many people to share their work and analysis in this forum in case there are investors who see it
 -Encourage novice traders to join here as a good place to learn.

Maybe that's all I can say here but for sure I will gradually contribute to advancing this forum.

Thank you for everything.
Thank you Forex Zone Forum.
Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_F

#312 - December 15, 2022, 05:18:06 AM

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Best regards to all of us,
Best regards Forum Adminstrators and Moderators,

It doesn't realize that the celebration of Christmas and New Year 2023 are less in a few days, I'm very enthusiastic to welcome all of this, moreover I can join this forum because I really want to start investing in currency but I'm hindered by learning obstacles, luckily I found this Forex Zone forum where the forum  it provides FREE education for everyone who wants to learn Forex and what's more great is also that we can earn FREE TRADING MONEY just by posting.

Here I found luck because besides being able to learn for free we are given a lot of extraordinary benefits and I make sure there are no forums like this anywhere.  I'd like to do more with this forum in the future, I just want to say thank you to the forum developers who are willing to provide a platform for people like me.  Once again, I would like to thank all the staff of the Forex Zone forum, I hope that in the future this forum will always prosper and grow.  I promise to give my best for this Forum.
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Yours faithfully ,
#313 - December 16, 2022, 06:43:25 AM

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greetings to all of us

introduce me, a new member here.
I just joined this forum on December 14, 2022. I found out about this forum from social media Twitter, where I immediately opened this website and found my own happiness here because I found a forum that can make money. free trading here, maybe I'm still too early here but I've more or less benefited from free forex analysis and education here and I'm very happy.

I've also learned a lot of knowledge and tried it on a demo account and it was perfect for me, there are lots of promotions and contests that I'm sure not all forums exist and are definitely very expensive to run.
I have studied several analyzes such as:

I also tried several useful EA's for my trading and all of them are FREE, and I really appreciate the creators of this forum. I hope I can last a long time in this forum because there are lots of developments about this forum's facilities for future progress. Maybe that's what I can say here, I'm very proud to be part of this forum.
Thank you for everything.
regards for success.
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#314 - December 18, 2022, 06:36:49 AM

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_istockphoto-1425534500-612x612

Good day,

In less than a week we will celebrate Christmas and in less than 2 weeks we will welcome the new year 2023 I am very happy and of course there will be many resolutions that I will achieve, and don't forget I am very happy to be able to join the forex forum "FOREX ZONE" This is because here provides a variety of services related to financial investments both forex and crypto trading. Some of the facilities that I can consider this forum quality are as follows :

1. Many contest and promotion options that forum members can follow such as (free trading money, FZT investment tokens, and trading rebates)

2. Daily benefits and posts when we have FZT token assets which are not in other forums.

3. Lots of free indicators and EA which are rare in MQL5 and of course they are provided free of charge which only exist in this forum.

I recommend this forum to everyone there who needs work or investment in the future either for the short term or the long term because this forum is all complete and everything is free, all of this is made possible by the hard work of the forum staff who always make efforts to always update the facilities. and forum technology. Finally, thank you from me for creating such a state-of-the-art forum.
Thank you.
#315 - December 19, 2022, 06:56:29 AM


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