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Forex Zone Holiday Contest

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Good morning all,
I am very grateful to have been allowed to join this forum, I would like to thank God for meeting this forum.

First, I would like to say congratulations and success for this forum because this forum makes a lot of contests and promotions that everyone can participate in and choose from and it's rare for forums like this, most other forums only have one or two contests or promotions.

Second, I really appreciate the performance of the staff here, especially the Forex Zone Admin who can solve every problem and be kind to everyone.

Third, there are lots of brokers used here, and lots of indicators, EA's and a variety of complete education, and I am very satisfied with this facility.

The conclusion that I got here is that this forum was made in such a thorough and stable manner and one thing for sure is that all the facilities are complete. I hope to be able to take advantage of the facilities here as time goes on. Finally I say that 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022.
Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_Biru-Emas-Sederhana-Artisan-Kelulusan-Jarak-Jauh-Banner
#316 - December 20, 2022, 05:27:17 AM

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Good day,

Thank you for allowing me to join here, I am very happy to be able to join this forum because there are many good people here and of course many friends will have a lot of fortune,

My goal in joining here is to develop my potential in the world of currency analysis and Crypto investment, which basically I don't understand, and even say I have zero knowledge, but God has other plans, I met this forum to learn about it all.
I see a lot of potential in this forum and there are a lot of benefits that I can get here, the latest one is that I downloaded this free indicator which if outside pays tens of dollars but here it's all free, these are the advantages.

And another advantage of this forum is that there is free trading money and the most extraordinary thing is being able to create your own token, namely FZT (Forex Zone token), the only forum I know that develops its own token. Maybe I will try one by one first as time goes by but for sure.
And finally, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and New Year 2023,

I hope that next year everything will grow even more. Thank you for presenting all of this.

#317 - December 22, 2022, 05:36:47 AM

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Today December 25, 2022
we all commemorate Christmas around the world and today everyone is happy, like I am very happy to join this great forum because I have so many opportunities to be successful here, I have goals for the future here, namely, among others :

1. Want to trade and participate in trading rebates for my earnings.
2. Besides that I want to invest my money in FZT tokens.
3. I want to collect Signa coins in the form of posts provided by the forum as a new feature in this forum.
4. I want to share weekly to monthly signals for long term.
The reason I want to do all of that here and choose this forum as my next year's resolution is because this forum is so great that it can support my goals. There are lots of facilities and features that suit my heart, such as :

1. Free trading money
2. Free signa coins and FZT tokens
3. Free download of indicators and EAs
4. Free signals daily, weekly, monthly

And the most important thing is that everything is FREE REGISTRATION doesn't cost a penny, just rely on our hard work and luck. So I can say that this forum is the right choice for me.
Finally, I would like to thank the Forum Admin and Moderator for building this forum. Merry Christmas 2022.
Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_Merry-Christmas10
#318 - December 25, 2022, 02:27:39 AM

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Good morning all,

I say Merry Christmas to all of us for those who celebrate it and in less than a few days we will welcome the new year 2023, it doesn't feel like soon we will change the year, starting everything from scratch and new. Frankly, one of my prizes is being able to join this forum because I hope this forum can become my field of work in the future. I am very impressed with this forum, especially the problem of facilities that are rarely owned by other forums, one of which is,

 - provide free capital just by posting
 - provides an opportunity to get passive income from investing in FZT tokens
 - giving everyone the opportunity to share their analysis in this forum.

I hope I can get that honor soon next year even though I'm still a beginner but I will try to be the best for everyone. I thank you very much for the forum admin with all humility for creating this extraordinary forum. 

"May this holiday season be filled with laughter, love and precious moments with loved ones. Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!"
Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_Gambar-Menarik-Ucapan-Selamat-Natal-5
#319 - December 28, 2022, 03:53:04 AM

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Tomorrow the day after tomorrow we will be at the beginning of the month January 1 2023, maybe there are lots of resolutions and hopes in the new year, and our tasks must definitely be better than the previous year,

In addition, I would like to thank the Forex Zone forum for holding a holiday contest as a holiday contest to celebrate Christmas and New Year. I really appreciate and support this activity. This forum is an international forum where everyone can join to get additional income or even the main income, in which there are lots of contests and promotions that we can use to generate daily benefits.

I really hope that in the future this forum will become more widely known to the general public and especially traders or investors who want to increase their income both passive and active and I really invite everyone who sees the Forex Zone forum ad anywhere to join because this is a great opportunity for you to become a success with the help of this forum. 
Once again, I would like to thank the forum officials for making this Forex Zone forum a fast, good and unrivaled money-producing site. Thank you.

 Best Regards
#320 - December 30, 2022, 06:40:08 AM

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Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_coollogo-com-22791249

Dear Forum Admin
Dear Forum Moderator
Dear friends of the forum

First of all I wish you a happy new year 2023, today we have stepped on the first day of the new year 2023 while I'm sure many of us are currently celebrating this euphoria. I would like to thank everyone who helped me, supported me all this time, here I would like to say thousands of thanks to the Forex Zone forum for changing my life and I thank you for the benefits I got here.

It hasn't even been 2 months since I've been here, I've got a lot of benefits here, including :

 1. Signa coin daily contest
 2. Points for FZT token
 3. Post bonus FZT
Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_cooltext426592642116046
I think this is the single most special forum ever created. I am very honored to be able to join here and be able to feel the benefits, and I have resolutions for myself in this forum for this year, including :

 1. Providing benefits and signal education that I will make in the next few months
 2. I want to make achievements from free trading results which I will always update every month
 3. I want to make this forum classy by contributing quality posts.

Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_cooltext426592642116046
There are several positive reasons why you should join this forum, including :

 1. Provides many benefits that you can choose according to your wishes when you join the example (free trading money)
 2. Many technical tools such as EA, modified indicators or ready-to-use direct indicators.
 3. Guided to become a good and independent trader until he is able to be consistent with interactions in this forum with friends.
Forex Zone Holiday Contest in Forex Contests_cooltext426592642116046

And the last one, I hope that with the change of year at the beginning of the year I pray that this Forex Zone forum will grow every time and provide charitable fields and jobs for people out there in need. Finally, I thank you all, I hope that on this journey we can contribute well to each other.

Success always for you Forex Zone.
#321 - January 01, 2023, 09:41:41 AM

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Hi everybody,

I wish happy new year 2023 to the members of the forum here, I feel honored to be here and I feel proud to be part of this forum, I really appreciate this forum for being able to consistently make many good contributions, I also want to make a good contribution in the future good in this forum especially I want to develop my potential in this forum in the world of forex analysis. Some of the features that I like in this forum are
- free trading
- trading rebates
- and token investment

I will try to get there in the near future please help and blessing. And I consider this forum as the home of my future income.
Thanks for building this forum.

Good job Forex Zone Forum.
#322 - January 03, 2023, 07:46:21 AM

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I would like to thank the forum administrator and moderator for holding this holiday contest, especially since it's still in the New Year's Eve, there are many beautiful things in this forum, to be honest, this is the first time I've found a forum with lots of benefits like this, even though I haven't had the chance to get it yet, I feel happy to be here I want to build a forum in my own way later here.
Just one plan here, 

1. Collect points for investing in forex trading and FZT token. 
2. Provide technical analysis according to my ability in real time
3. Committed to maintaining the security and discipline of this forum.

I hope that the facilities in this forum can really be used by everyone because I'm sure there is no forum as great and as much as this in providing benefits and bonuses. I thank you for creating a forum like this.
#323 - January 06, 2023, 08:03:26 AM

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Happy new year 2023.

I really appreciate the performance of this forum because I see this forum as very special. There are many hopes and long term plans that I see and I am proud to have found a forum like this. Forex Zone is indeed the only online forum that has many benefits and advantages, one of which is currently running a contest holiday.

I can guarantee that there is no online forum like the forex zone which gives high feedback and what I like the most is that the service in this forum is friendly. If you ask something, it will be answered politely and smoothly. success and I will contribute to this forum.

Thank you Forex Zone.
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#324 - January 07, 2023, 08:45:38 AM

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The 2022 Forex Zone Holiday Contest is now closed. Winners will be selected and announced soon.
#325 - January 10, 2023, 12:42:46 AM
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Congratulations to the winners of the holiday contest:

  • 1st Place = smdburst
  • 2nd Place = Succubus
  • 3rd Place = Dyandra
  • 4th Place = blackberry10
  • 5th Place = OutreachProFz
  • 6th Place = Patara
  • 7th Place = Reya
  • 8th Place = Thithy
  • 9th Place = Vinquanh
  • 10th Place = Lexis

#326 - January 10, 2023, 02:21:28 AM

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Payouts have been issued to all winners. They are processing with the brokers and should arrive to you soon.

Thank you to everyone who participated. The next holiday contest will commence in the Fall of 2023.
#327 - January 10, 2023, 02:33:26 AM

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Thank you very much!
#328 - January 10, 2023, 03:36:28 AM

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thanks admin for the prize;D
#329 - January 10, 2023, 10:30:12 AM

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Thanks you admin ,
thank you I'm on the list of winners 🙏
#330 - January 10, 2023, 11:56:27 AM


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