actually I don't want to interfere because I don't take part in the monthly contest.
but it seems like there's always a commotion here.
Hello, if you can know who you are and what is the official team from Forexzone?
You always discuss kopi susu and imam with cheating because they go up quickly, but you don't discuss Riezna's passages in 1 day you can go to position 3. 
is it possible that you are like Riezna, if it's really really rotten your way.
here there is already a team from forexzone, there is already an admin and also a mixer that controls it.
I observed top 10 referrals, not only
iman and
kopi susu,
riezna, ASHfx, zanureload and others I also observed but there was no evidence of fraud he did, he was also quite active here,
Riezna also posted that he had thousands of friends on social media, They referrals were equally 24 hours is not centralized at one time with fast registration and active, the IP also varies. After all,
iman is someone who has offered me the trick, look at today at the same time he made fake referrals again, I really know the trick with my own eyes.
I just don't like cheating and the admin has been fooled several times, for example monthly contest cases a few months ago and also the last month's case of
Farisfx, if you don't understand don't talk about it and don't give bad reputation for no reason.