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FZT Weekly Trading Contest

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Weekly FZT Trading Contest




  • 2 weekly prizes of SIGNA COINS


  • A randomly selected trade will be selected once per week.
  • Each trade made during the week will be considered as an entry to the contest. A random entry will then be selected to determine the winners.
  • Each trade has 2 participants - a market taker (bid order) and a market maker (ask order). Therefore, a winning trade will have 2 winners who were responsible for making that trade.
  • The 2 Signa wallet addresses will be publicly posted in this same topic.


  • There were 25 completed trades made for the week. You made 1 trade. Your chances of winning are therefore 1/25 or 4%. Your prize would be 25 Signa coins.
  • There were 100 completed trades made for the week. You made 5 trades. Your chances of winning are therefore 5/100 or 5%. Your prize would be 100 Signa coins.
  • There were 150 total trades made for the week. You made 25 trades. Your chances of winning are therefore 25/150 or 16.67%. Your prize would be 150 Signa coins.
  • And so on...



Question) Is a forum account needed in order to participate?

Answer) No, winners are selected solely from the official Signum Explorer. So no forum account is even necessary. A winner can even remain anonymous if they so choose.

Question) What is the prize amount?

Answer) The prize amount depends entirely on the number of trades made for the week. Each trade will increase the prize by 1 Signa coin. The more trades, the higher the prize! For example, let's say there were 100 trades made. Then each winner will receive 100 Signa coins each. The max prize is capped at 10000 per week though. That is, 5000 Signa per address (5000+5000).

Question) What day every week will the winners be announced?

Answer) The winners will be selected every Friday after 5 PM UTC. Any trades made after the winner has been selected will still be counted for the following week's contest. No trades will go unnoticed like that. Note: Due to certain rare circumstances, such as forum maintenance or downtime, the announcement of the winners may be delayed. Also, holidays or busy workload may cause a delay in announcements. In such cases, winners will still be selected once per week and be recorded for future announcement.

Question) How are winners selected?

Answer) All completed FZT trades made for the week are considered as valid entries into the contest. Then a random entry is selected as the winning trade. In other words, all trades for a week will be considered together in a pool and a single trade out of that pool will be selected. The traders who made that trade happen are the winners for that week.

Question) How will the announcements be made?

Answer) This forum thread will be updated once per week announcing the winning Signa wallet addresses. The winners may also be announced at the top of the forum's homepage in the news section. Winners may also be announced on the Forex Zone's Twitter feed.

Question) Is there a limit to the number of times a trader can win?

Answer) No, there is no limit!

Question) How fast will I receive my Signa coins?

Answer) They will be sent as soon as possible. It is a manual process. It could take minutes or it could take hours. It depends on certain factors such as current workload.

Question) How can I increase my chances of winning?

Answer) The only way to do this is to increase your trading activity. The more trades you make, the higher your chances of winning.

Question) Are there any trades that do not count towards this contest?

Answer) Any completed trade that shows up in the 'Trades' section of the official Signum Explorer on the FZT page will be considered. The type of trade (buy or sell) doesn't matter. The volume of the trades also doesn't matter.

Question) Who is excluded from this contest?

Answer) Forex Zone Signa wallets will not not be selected as winners. Otherwise, the Forex Zone wallet would just be sending a payment to itself. All other wallets are valid, regardless of forum status.

Question) How do I claim my prize?

Answer) Payments will be sent out with no effort needed on your part.

Question) How can I trade FZT?

Answer) You can trade using BTDEX or a Signum Node. Review the related links on this page to learn more.



  • This contest may stop in the future at any time we deem appropriate.
  • The maximum total sent out per week for this contest is capped at 10000 Signa (5000 per address).
  • This weekly contest is operated by the Forex Zone forum. All questions or concerns regarding this contest should be directed to the Forex Zone forum.
  • Participation in this contest is free of charge. No purchase is necessary.
  • You are responsible for the accounting and recording of your own winnings, if any, that you receive from this contest for tax purposes. We will not send out tax forms or get involved with your taxes unless it becomes legally mandatory to do so.
  • Under no circumstances will we be held liable for any damages or losses you incur by participating in this contest.
  • The terms and conditions of this contest may change at any time. You are responsible for checking back here for updated terms or conditions, if any. It's best to have email notifications and alerts enabled so you stay informed.
  • If you do not agree with all the terms of the contest stated, do not participate.

Please read the above terms and conditions carefully before asking questions. Thank you!

#1 - October 15, 2021, 12:18:34 AM
« Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 09:21:39 PM by Admin »
FZT Weekly Trading Contest in Forex Contests_Forex%20Zone%20VIP%20Membership

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Is this meant to cause fluctuations in the price movement of FZT, sir?
#2 - October 15, 2021, 12:48:34 AM

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Is this meant to cause fluctuations in the price movement of FZT, sir?
Well, there should be fluctuations in any market. A stale and boring market is no good.

The contest is mainly meant to give an extra value to FZT and to introduce people to trading on a DEX such as BTDEX.
#3 - October 15, 2021, 12:53:43 AM

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Well, there should be fluctuations in any market. A stale and boring market is no good.

The contest is mainly meant to give an extra value to FZT and to introduce people to trading on a DEX such as BTDEX.
maybe because there has been a dividend for FZT holders, sir, that's why they want to hold only FZT, because when they sell FZT they will lose the 1000 signa. maybe that's one of them. sorry if i'm wrong
#4 - October 15, 2021, 12:55:57 AM

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maybe because there has been a dividend for FZT holders, sir, that's why they want to hold only FZT, because when they sell FZT they will lose the 1000 signa. maybe that's one of them. sorry if i'm wrong
Here are 4 points I think you should consider:

  • The contest is for both buying and selling trades though. Not just selling trades.
  • Volume doesn't matter. So someone could sell only 1 FZT which would have very little impact on the daily payout, but it still counts as a trade.
  • It's possible to make profit from trading. For example, buying at 0.50 and selling at 0.52. Then if price falls back down to 0.50, buy again. And so on. So profit comes from trading and also each time it's a trade counted towards the contest. It may be more than the daily payout this way.
  • Pending sell orders are still considered to be owned by the FZT holder until someone matches the order. So having a pending sell order will not affect the daily payout.

#5 - October 15, 2021, 01:58:17 AM

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Here are 4 points I think you should consider:

  • The contest is for both buying and selling trades though. Not just selling trades.
  • Volume doesn't matter. So someone could sell only 1 FZT which would have very little impact on the daily payout, but it still counts as a trade.
  • It's possible to make profit from trading. For example, buying at 0.50 and selling at 0.52. Then if price falls back down to 0.50, buy again. And so on. So profit comes from trading and also each time it's a trade counted towards the contest. It may be more than the daily payout this way.
  • Pending sell orders are still considered to be owned by the FZT holder until someone matches the order. So having a pending sell order will not affect the daily payout.
so, for example, when I do a buying activity at a price of 0.50 Then there is someone who takes my order so I and that person both make a sale and purchase transaction 1 time so when I do a trading activity 10 times then the person who takes the order I also do 10 buying and selling activities. Is that so? So a total of 20 trades were made by only two people
#6 - October 15, 2021, 02:06:11 AM

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there is someone who takes my order so I and that person both make a sale and purchase transaction 1 time so when I do a trading activity 10 times then the person who takes the order I also do 10 buying and selling activities. Is that so? So a total of 20 trades were made by only two people
Each trade has 2 participants - 1 buyer and 1 seller.

So if you place 10 trades and the other person takes your 10 trades, this is not 20 trades total. It is simply 10 completed trades because every trade will have a buyer and seller or a bid and ask.
#7 - October 15, 2021, 12:18:47 PM

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This week's winners:

  • S-DU3P-TVHD-3XH5-92GLH
  • S-DU3P-TVHD-3XH5-92GLH

Two prizes of 192 Signa was won!

#8 - October 15, 2021, 10:47:17 PM

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How to find out the number of transactions in the last week?
#9 - October 17, 2021, 10:50:52 AM

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How to find out the number of transactions in the last week?
You have to go to the explorer and look in the trades section. See link and attachment in 1st post. All the trades are listed in that trades section. You can just copy the information into a text file or spreadsheet to get a count.
#10 - October 17, 2021, 01:10:13 PM

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This week's winners:

  • S-DU3P-TVHD-3XH5-92GLH
  • S-DU3P-TVHD-3XH5-92GLH

Two prizes of 4410 Signa was won!

IMPORTANT NOTE: A small change has been made to the 1st post. There is now a max cap of 10000 Signa (5000 per address) per week for the prize amount.
#11 - October 23, 2021, 01:05:56 AM

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I will be placing this weekly contest on hold this Friday October 29. There is a new weekly contest instead.


  • The trading contest is a little unfair to some people since not everyone has the ability to trade all day long. People have jobs to go to and other responsibilities. Having a contest based on FZT held instead seems more fair.
  • There have been thousands of trades for 1 FZT each. Although I personally do not have a problem with this, it is causing the Signa Explorer to load very slowly. The problem will only get worse too as time goes on. I do not want to cause timeouts on the explorer on the FZT page.

#12 - October 28, 2021, 02:01:25 PM

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I think this is a good move.  
#13 - October 28, 2021, 02:39:04 PM

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This week's winners:

  • S-9CTH-NC52-U3SY-829XA

Two prizes of 5000 Signa was won!

Thank you to all who participated. This contest is now paused until further notice. It is being replaced by the Weekly FZT Contest!
#14 - October 29, 2021, 09:17:21 PM


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