Our trading base must have a good trading system, and we must train the trading system on a demo account.
The conditions under which the system management will be used are very important when we carry out trading activities. Besides that, emotions are also very necessary.
These two things are interrelated in my opinion, where if we use good management, our psychology will be more controlled
That's right because if we use good money management, we will be able to remain tanang and comfortable, not tense and scared
This calm and comfortable stage is what must be achieved, and if our trading is well detailed with this plan it is very possible to achieve it
The basis of good trading is money management, if you have mastered money management, you will also be able to master the others quickly.
Money Management is the art of how we manage risks so that it can not be greater than the reward we can
and trading plan also feels like it must concern management so that our targets can be achieved
If we have a good trading plan, of course it will be easier for us to follow or discipline it, then make the best plan possible
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