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4 Basic of a Trader

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As a Trader I uphold 4 Basic Trading.

Take into account all the risks and profits of each entry.

Trading while in a fresh and relaxed mood so that the analysis is on target.

Dispose of the ambitious feeling of wanting to get rich quickly from Trading because it will create the opposite result.

Have at least 1 specific strategy or a maximum of 2 so you don't want to learn new strategies that will make all strategies mess.

From the 4 basic trading above, all are interconnected because there will be no Success Trader without applying the 4 basic trading alignment.
What do you think is a good strategy for traders?
#16 - May 23, 2019, 06:07:58 AM

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In my opinion, there are 3 basic trading to be more precise, because the mindset goes to the psychologist's part too.
so strategies, money management and psychologists are the most important parts of being successful in the forex business, if we master it as a whole there will be a big chance for success.
#17 - December 01, 2020, 05:38:16 AM

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As far as I know, these 4 basics can be summarized into 3 pillars of trading success or 3M, namely money, method and mind where you have one that includes psychology and mindset, namely mind.
#18 - December 02, 2020, 03:55:37 PM

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The basics in trading must be applied properly because just one of these basics can make our trading less than perfect and it will be difficult for us to achieve success, namely consistent profit.
#19 - December 02, 2020, 05:12:47 PM

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number one and number 4 in my opinion can be combined into 3M (mind, money and method) because risk management is the same as a strategy or method.
#20 - December 24, 2020, 06:31:09 AM

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this basis has indeed become the main key to achieving success in forex but it is not easy to apply these 4 things, even if one of them is violated then the trading will fail.
#21 - December 24, 2020, 09:26:37 AM

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The most important thing that we first set is that the mindset will later be able to form our behavior and it is the initial foundation of all our trading components, so it is very important
#22 - June 29, 2021, 12:45:25 PM

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of these four important things in my opinion the most important is the mindset, because the mindset is the basis of everything, the mindset can determine how we treat our trading and that's important
#23 - July 02, 2021, 03:43:02 PM

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In my opinion the basis of important traders it is to have the right mindset, if our mindset is right, in the future our trading will be smooth, and vice versa
#24 - July 05, 2021, 07:37:13 AM

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all the basics of trading are very important, but unfortunately many traders don't do it, especially in the money management section, because many traders don't use it
#25 - July 09, 2021, 02:47:28 PM

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that's all right because all of the above is part of risk management and other management and it's even better to master technical and fundamental
#26 - July 09, 2021, 03:04:47 PM

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of all these basic things that are the most important and basic once in my opinion are mindset, because this mindset is a foundation that can determine our attitude and mindset when trading
#27 - July 13, 2021, 10:35:17 PM

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Of these four basics, in my opinion, the important thing is mindset and psychology, but when we have the right and right mindset, we will tend to be able to control our psychology well.
#28 - July 15, 2021, 01:25:17 PM

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what is written above in the topic is true because the 4 basic is called trading well and regularly, especially management and psychological problems, these 2 things are the most difficult
#29 - July 19, 2021, 08:58:12 AM

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All these bases are very much needed and important, so we must really make ourselves master everything so that we can achieve successful stages in trading
#30 - August 01, 2021, 11:17:57 AM


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