When you can combine stop loss with trailing stop it will make you comfortable to do floating
to combine it certainly requires a good system and requires supporting conditions
Trading system that follows trends in my opinion which will be more suitable for using trailing stop
We can combine stop loss with trailing stop, but first we have to practice it on a demo account in order to make a profit.
we have to be proficient in running our trading system then we can think about implementing a trailing stop
In my opinion, it's best not to combine them. Let's just focus on the stop loss because later we can get confused if we use a trailing stop.
This really depends on how to trade every trader, some are comfortable using this combination and some are not
Comfort is something we must confirm when we trade
Comfort is an absolute condition that must be achieved if we want the results we get according to what we want
because when we are comfortable we will feel the maximum within us to do everything
In trading we do have to do anything to get comfort to get good results
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