forex is not gambling because it cannot produce consistent profit in the long run.
Maybe the notion of forex is gambling arises because the principle of probability used in determining every success here. The presumption may not only arise due to the failure of many traders due to careless trading, but also because there is no certainty that every order that is opened will be successful or not, even though it has been established with mature analysis preparation and established risk management.
good afternoon sir, I agree with you sir. that forex is not gambling. in forex we know the term analysis to enter the market. so we use analysis first before entering the market. not like gambling that only plays guesses with prizes.
no I do not agree if forex trading is the same as gambling. because these two things are very different. for me a Muslim I understand the difference between haram and halal. then I say gambling is unlawful. different from forex in my opinion and various scholars say halal.
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