This leverage calculation is very important and we must adjust it with our skills and capital capabilities and the targets we will achieve.
absolutely right, it is important for us to choose the right leverage to fit our trading style and strategy because of its relationship to transactions.
Forex brokers usually have leverage in forex trading.The function of leverage, is that a relatively small increase in funds can make transactions with a much larger contract value.Example:Brokers who apply 1: 100 leverage, then you only need a fund of $ 100 to make a transaction worth $ 10,000. The $ 100 money is called margin, while the transaction value of $ 10,000 is called Contract Size. That is, the capital you need is only 1%.
I usually use 1: 200 leverage. is it safe?
even though you use 1: 200 levarage but if you trade without analysis it will become insecure sir.
The concept of leverage is indeed very profitable in forex trading, but it can also be dangerous if you are not careful in using it,
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