I'm here contemplating about MM (money management) most traders all know what MM is but often MM doesn't seem to exist, as if MM is a fairy tale even though MM is very important that traders must have.
Basically a trader must be able to adjust all existing conditions, must be able to use time well, and must be able to use money sparingly and not excessively in using lots because the lot used when it is not in accordance with the existing funds will definitely be fatal with the risk of loss. big and the worst is Margin Call,
of the many traders who experience failure are traders who do not carry out money management properly, often the mediocre capital is even made open positions with full lots, indeed full lots are profit generators that can be obtained in a short time.
but the risk is instead of using full lots, you have to be willing to lose money because the biggest risk is experiencing a Margin Call, then how do I change my mindset so that I no longer use full lots, because I myself am still having a hard time not using full lots even though I know that full lots will often have Margin Calls ,
small capital should use MM well so that it can grow into a lot, but why is it so difficult to apply when in market, and want to open if not full lot, not satisfied, even though if Margin Call you smile,
Friends, do you have any special tips to be able to change so that we as traders can always use funds wisely and use analysis according to the rules by not using full lots, before that I say thank you to friends who want to discuss by discussing MM so they can change their mindset we become traders who know MM and want to use MM wisely.
Linkback: https://www.forex.zone/forex-education/29/many-traders-know-money-management-why-money-management-disappear-when-trading/3926/