Is there something important I want to say in this article? Read to the end ok..
Busy busy looking for techniques that can profit consistently, looking for mentors, looking for places to study, looking for teachers every day. Surfing through social media, hoping there is a teacher who teaches powerful anti-loss techniques..
It's all not wrong, because part of the effort to find a system that can be profitable. But there is something that is often forgotten, namely CONFIDENCE.
After finding a trading system, then starting to try it and the results are profit, wow, I'm happy, but there are times when the system is cut loss. This is where the problem is! If we lose, we usually look for a new, better system.
Then I found it and it was good and then there was another loss period hehe I just kept repeating it, until I didn't realize that EQUITY was starting to run low
Curiosity about good technique, that's what makes us easily tempted by other people's ways. In fact, you can't make 100% profit, there must be a loss. I think it's important to build confidence in trading, try to start believing in the techniques you already have. Practice every day, discovering the system's strengths and weaknesses.
Of course it takes time and practice, but that's the best way instead of constantly changing strategies that are never perfect. Close your eyes and ears to other people's systems, just run our technique seriously and be honest with yourself to obey the role made and then see the results..
Good Luck!