not like that. in my opinion the market moves because the law of supply and demand is true, why?I am a legal user of demand, and this is a market, there must be that law
Have you read my writing entitled LAW OF BALANCE?
In economics it is, prices move according to supply and demand, even news of politics, interest rates, and disasters also contribute to determining price movements.
Of course yes. I agree with this.The basic concept of price movements is supply and demand. And if you pay attention in detail, the news is only a catalyst that will only speed up or slow down the price to reach its goal.Bro Rushart said prices move randomly? But the proof is that prices always repeat the same pattern. Each time frame.
Many opinions say that prices on the money market move according to the law of supply and demand and are of a nature random.In fact prices move because there is order that is intended to ask for stability in the currency between countries in the world.Unconscious sellers are transferred by news issued by each country in buying and selling.
all things related to the sword will definitely not be separated from the name of the request and supplyif the offer is more than the demand, then the price will be a downward or brighter pricevice versaso in my opinion the law of demand and supply will always follow wherever the trade is
Do you know the cause of the supply and demand?
Any market in this world work based on supply and demand law.Demand>Supply : ImbalanceSupply>Demand : ImbalanceDemand=Supply : Balance (Seller and Buyer made Deal)
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