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The trading teacher does not need to have a master's degree

Discussion started on Forex Education

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In my opinion, the title cannot be used as a benchmark so that we can judge whether the supervisor is smart. In my opinion, what can make us believe and believe that we have chosen a teacher correctly is his consistent portfolio.
#616 - January 02, 2024, 01:50:44 AM

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what we need here is knowledge, not degrees, even though you have a leader with many degrees, but that is not important, what is important is consistent knowledge, knowledge with high accuracy.
#617 - January 03, 2024, 01:05:06 AM

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In my opinion, the most important thing here is to use a truly credible teacher who really has knowledge. So it's not just a degree that is shown but their ability to trade.
#618 - January 04, 2024, 01:26:10 AM

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I agree with what you say because after all a degree will not make us smart. What makes us smart is knowledge. A leader must have a lot of knowledge that can make his students consistent.
#619 - January 05, 2024, 01:02:34 AM

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A teacher doesn't need a degree because after all what is most important here is the knowledge that we can absorb, the knowledge that we can learn so that we can at least trade with consistent results.
#620 - January 06, 2024, 01:09:02 AM

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Here we don't need a degree at all because when we only look at the title of someone who teaches us, I think that's not enough. We have to be able to see from the way they trade, look at their portfolio when developing this business, so that is our measure to create or  make them our teachers.
#621 - January 07, 2024, 01:05:40 AM

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A good teacher will definitely provide a lot of knowledge, not just show off a degree, therefore we have to be careful in choosing a supervisor because there are many supervisors who actually don't have knowledge but only use degrees to attract interest.
#622 - January 08, 2024, 03:42:32 AM

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In my opinion, there is no need for a degree, the important thing is the knowledge.  When you have found a mentor with the best knowledge, you can learn from that person so that you can get consistent results. The most important thing is the goal itself.
#623 - January 09, 2024, 03:08:41 AM

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A good mentor will not show a degree in front of his students. What they show is their knowledge which can be of benefit to the beginner.  So in this case I don't consider the title to be anything special.
#624 - January 11, 2024, 03:27:23 AM

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it's not really necessary here because after all a beginner doesn't want to know about the degree they know they just hire a mentor maybe with a high fee to get that knowledge which is more important
#625 - January 12, 2024, 01:56:55 AM

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It's true that a mentor should not focus on technique and management when training a beginner because only in that way can we gain benefits in the form of knowledge.
#626 - January 13, 2024, 02:00:37 AM

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When you choose a mentor, you must be able to choose a mentor who has the courage to have something to excel at, not just a degree, but rather the knowledge that you must choose so that you have mature knowledge.
#627 - January 14, 2024, 02:21:12 AM

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You must be able to trade well. You must be able to choose mentors who really have useful knowledge, not just showing off their degrees, but more about the knowledge they have.
#628 - January 15, 2024, 01:13:42 AM

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In my opinion, a teacher does not need to show the title of a supervisor, he only focuses on studying his students, focuses on having mature knowledge that can be imitated by his students.
#629 - January 16, 2024, 02:03:55 AM

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In my opinion, it's not really necessary here because using the title won't have any effect. What's important is the knowledge you can learn for your success.
#630 - January 17, 2024, 01:06:15 AM


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