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Trading Phases

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trading phase when Sincerity is something that we have to make happen Because with this sincerity we will definitely get big profits with our sincerity it will definitely be easy to win
#481 - September 30, 2023, 02:12:39 AM

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Using the trading phase sincerely can create the right thing for ourselves so that later we can gain sincerity in what we are trying to do precisely and clearly.
#482 - October 01, 2023, 01:58:55 AM

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use a good trading phase where you can trade in a sincere way. You can trade calmly, don't get emotional easily and don't rush because this is very important.
#483 - October 02, 2023, 02:07:59 AM

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Using the trading phase well will shape you so that you have the best psychology. Because when you trade and you lose, you have to be able to let it go. This phase is indeed difficult, but you have to do it.
#484 - October 03, 2023, 01:19:32 AM

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There are many trading phases starting from feelings of disappointment, anger, high emotions, regret, it all comes together when you fail, but with high motivation and high enthusiasm, you will learn sincerely to be able to progress even better.
#485 - October 04, 2023, 01:32:51 AM

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Each person has their own phase in forex trading. You must be able to trade as comfortably as possible and as sincerely as possible when you are emotional, when you are disappointed. You must be able to learn to be sincere.
#486 - October 05, 2023, 02:07:24 AM

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Our trading phase will make us know more about what is sincerity. When we have experienced failure, when we have MC, we must be able to be sincere because with this sincerity we can use evaluation, we can form a new life to learn more.
#487 - October 06, 2023, 01:16:45 AM

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In my opinion, there are many phases that we have to learn because if I read, these phases are related to psychology, where psychology is sometimes unstable, when we are angry, when we are disappointed, when we are sad, but we must be able to let go of all of this, we must be able to move on so that we can looking forward to a better future
#488 - October 07, 2023, 01:18:33 AM

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The trading phase is something that we really have to use so that we can learn to be sincere so that we can learn to get the right profit because with the trading phase we will always be able to control our emotions.
#489 - October 08, 2023, 04:32:46 AM

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In my opinion, the trading results will help us to trade well in a sincere way because basically, when you are disappointed, angry, sad, you have to learn to be sincere.
#490 - October 09, 2023, 01:58:51 AM

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When you trade forex you have to have a phase of acceptance when you fail, only because then we can focus more on developing and being better than before.
#491 - October 10, 2023, 01:12:29 AM

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If you are emotional, sad or disappointed, you should be able to use everything to be sincere, where the Ikhlas phase will be of benefit to you so that you can let go of the emotional burden that you are using.
#492 - October 11, 2023, 01:31:36 AM

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Right now we definitely need a phase where we can be sincere about getting over all the bad things we have experienced because when we can't be sincere we can't move on we will always have difficulty developing new methods and we will always be shackled to our own mistakes. .
#493 - October 12, 2023, 01:24:34 AM

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There are many trading phases. When you experience a disappointed phase, an angry phase, a sad phase, you have to combine all of these together to be able to create a phase of sincerity when you haven't gotten what you want. Sincerity will change your psychological situation to be more enthusiastic and motivated to return to trading. Again.
#494 - October 13, 2023, 01:31:58 AM

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A good trading phase is where you can learn to let go of all the obstacles you have encountered so that later you will feel good and can get many things about forex trading correctly.
#495 - October 14, 2023, 01:45:39 AM


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