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Trading Phases

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When undergoing a trading phase, there are many obstacles and hurdles that come our way, but with this belief we will be able to get through them well. Because after all, success requires failure first and that has become the law of nature. So if we want to be successful in the forex business, we must be prepared to face failure which will test our confidence in the trading phase.
#541 - November 29, 2023, 11:45:31 AM

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We have to be sincere human beings when we face all the problems and obstacles. We have to understand that trading will definitely have its ups and downs and there will always be benefits in the future.
#542 - November 30, 2023, 04:01:46 AM

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When you use a good phase, you will get benefits and can get the right sincerity because when you use a good phase, you can successfully make improvements with comfortable results.
#543 - December 01, 2023, 04:10:46 AM

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Don't let the trading phase be damaged psychologically because generally a good system is damaged psychologically and ultimately ends in disappointment, we have to carry out everything in a relaxed manner so that we can get through the trading phase.
#544 - December 01, 2023, 07:14:37 AM

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If you get the best phase for trading then you have to get used to being sincere. You have to get used to trading with great benefits because after all it will provide good potential for you to always try correctly.
#545 - December 02, 2023, 03:40:28 AM

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The use of the trading phase here must be able to meet the requirements because when we can learn sincerely, then we will be able to change our emotional nature, anger, disappointment into sincerity and that will make us feel normal, feel enthusiastic again.
#546 - December 03, 2023, 03:52:10 AM

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We are taught to be sincere when we trade. We are taught to be able to accept when we fail. Therefore, sincerity is an energy that you must use.
#547 - December 04, 2023, 04:08:46 AM

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You are required to focus on the sincerity phase when you have experienced unpleasant activities such as disappointment, sadness, anger, you must be able to summarize all of them into one phase towards the sincerity phase. When you are sincere, your emotions will be released, you will be enthusiastic and start a new life well.
#548 - December 05, 2023, 02:58:43 AM

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When you carry out a phase, you should be able to learn sincerely because when you can learn sincerely well, then you can get big profits and of course you can trade with mature results.
#549 - December 06, 2023, 02:11:04 AM

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When you are disappointed, sad or angry, you should immediately be in the sincere phase because when you are in the sincere phase it allows you to release your emotions and makes you calm psychologically.
#550 - December 07, 2023, 04:19:34 AM

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If you are in the Disappointed Angry Sad Confused phase, you should be able to be in the sincere phase.  When you are in the sincere phase.  You won't look back and you will focus on the future with all the improvements that exist
#551 - December 08, 2023, 05:45:15 AM

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In my opinion, you should be able to use sincerity when you are doing something that you think is disappointing. You might be sad, you might be angry, but that won't solve the problem. When you are sincere then everything will go well and you can be enthusiastic again.
#552 - December 10, 2023, 07:10:49 AM

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The Sincerity phase is an important phase in my opinion here When you can be sincere with what we do when we fail when we get mc and defeat I think that will be an interesting thing so you can help
#553 - December 11, 2023, 05:39:28 AM

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There are times when we are comfortable with the technique we are using and then successive losses occur and we start to doubt whether the technique we are using is still profitable or not. This is the phase where our confidence in our own technique is tested.
#554 - December 11, 2023, 09:18:11 PM

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The use of the trading phase must be used sincerely because when you are disappointed, when you are angry, when you are sad, you must be able to be sincere so that later you can focus on that beauty towards success.
#555 - December 12, 2023, 04:03:12 AM


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