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Trading Phases

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The trading phase is the most important phase when you trade, where the sincere phase is the end of your journey. When you are sad, angry, disappointed or maybe you are angry with yourself, that will be something you have to go through to get to the sincere phase.  When you are sincere, everything will return to zero. You can study again after that
#556 - December 13, 2023, 04:57:55 AM

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Using this phase of sincerity will provide a good example for you to trade with the right target. When you are sad or disappointed, we have to eliminate all of that with sincerity so that the results become more attractive.
#557 - December 14, 2023, 03:44:58 AM

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We have to know what the trading phase is like. We have to be able to understand it so that we don't get emotional easily and don't complain easily. We have to be able to be a sincere person to get whatever we want. It's normal to be disappointed, it's natural to be angry, but don't let it happen.  habits you must be able to learn to be sincere.
#558 - December 15, 2023, 05:58:39 AM

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Using trading phases is indeed important because after all, when you can be sincere when you can do it well then you can be calm and you can be at peace when trading forex.
#559 - December 16, 2023, 06:37:39 AM

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In my opinion, the trading phase is important because when you use the trading phase in a way that is sincere, without burden, without being angry, without being sad, it will make your relaxed psychology strong and on target.
#560 - December 17, 2023, 04:25:28 AM

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You must be able to get through the Sincerity phase well when you trade. The sincerity you get will provide an example for you so that you can focus on getting many things.
#561 - December 19, 2023, 03:57:03 AM

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If you want to use the trading phase well and correctly then you must be able to learn to be sincere because with this sincerity you will definitely have many opportunities to be able to control your emotions later.
#562 - December 21, 2023, 06:24:27 AM

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When you carry out the trading phase, you must be able to carry out it well. At that time, you are obliged to carry out trades correctly in a sincere way so that with this sincerity we can maximize our profits in the right way so that we can get more decent results.
#563 - December 23, 2023, 04:50:14 AM

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The trading phase is the phase where when we can learn to be sincere in order to get something, you must be able to learn to surrender when it doesn't happen according to your wishes but you still have to fight.
#564 - December 25, 2023, 03:32:27 AM

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When you carry out trading activities, when you fail, you have to be sincere. When you are sincere, then you can get big profits, get the best results and always trade with high effectiveness.
#565 - December 26, 2023, 03:14:08 AM

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The use of the trading phase must be clear because when you use the trading phase well then you can get the opportunity to learn to be sincere and get the opportunity not to be emotional when trading.
#566 - December 27, 2023, 03:39:13 AM

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You must be able to use this sincerity well because with this sincerity you will definitely find a way to be patient in order to accept and be able to trade well.
#567 - December 28, 2023, 03:43:35 AM

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Here we learn to be sincere to make a profit, to correct every mistake when we are emotional, when we are disappointed, when we are sad. This is all one of the reasons why we trade well with sincerity
#568 - December 29, 2023, 02:47:49 AM

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Using the trading phase to be sincere is important so that we can learn to understand that failure is a normal thing and we have to understand that trading means there is a risk, be it profit or loss.
#569 - December 30, 2023, 03:09:20 AM

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Running the trading market requires you to be sincere, you have to be able to run it well, you have to be able to accept everything that has happened, even if you fail, you still have to be optimistic to do your best.
#570 - December 31, 2023, 02:34:37 AM


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