As some news outlets pointed out, Theresa May certainly made a speech yesterday, however, not before the British parliament but in Belfast. In this connection, he discussed the possibility of "strong" Brexit in which he refused the possibility of delaying exit from the European Union or repeated referendum. With all the "X" hours to come, the pound moves up.
In addition, Nissan, a Japanese carmaker, abandoned its plans for the production of the X-Trail SUV at a factory in the UK, while Sony had decided to move its headquarters in Europe from England to the Netherlands. Moreover, Hitachi stated that the company will stop operating on the UK nuclear power plant project.
In addition, Marine Le Pen stated that the aim of the European Union was to make Britain's separation as painful as possible. On the other hand, Nicola Sturgeon stated that Britain was not even ready to leave the community. In general, political news lowered the pound below the benchmark at 1.30 in the accumulated zone region on January 22-23 at 1.2950, & # 8203; & # 8203; after negative information about the index of business activity in the service segment was published, which fell to the lowest level in 2.5 years.
As seen in the time frame, the bear signal is pushed, and the goal is the strong 1.2880 level. However, there are other factors that can influence this - especially, Trump's speech. It's hard to try and think about where the dollar will go. And according to statistics from the United States, the prediction for GDP is that it will experience a solid decline. Also, retail sales are anticipated with a decline.
On Thursday, Theresa May will hold negotiations with Jean-Claude Juncker, leader of the European Commission. The prime minister plans to influence changes to the certification issue to maintain a strategic distance from the boundary between Northern Ireland and the entire island. Simultaneously, the European Union currently does not include modifications to the draft agreement set in November.