Fundamental Analysis
Created by a mysterious figure known only by his pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin (BTC) is designed to allow users to store and transfer values without the need for centralized intermediaries or institutions such as banks.
Since it was founded in 2009, Bitcoin was initially filled with a lot of praise and has been praised for its potential to compete with VISA as a global payment option. However, a few years later, Bitcoin became the subject of much research because its limited network capacity was evident while transaction costs rose to almost $ 40 during the December increase.
This oversight is welcomed by the enhancement of the Segregated Witness (SegWit) network, which was activated on August 23, 2017, and greatly increased the capacity of the Bitcoin blockchain and increased its position against competing high-throughput blockchain technology.
During the bear market, Bitcoin (BTC) has fallen less than ten other top cryptos. Therefore, we at BeInCryptoexpect BTC maintain relative strength in this bear market - reaching a low of around $ 4,000 to close 2018, before seeing the rally return to $ 6,500 during 2019.
Bitcoin is one of the first blockchains to implement a second layer scaling solution, with lightning networks. The flash network is widely regarded as the second part of the solution to the Bitcoin scaling problem that was first handled with SegWit.
Being an open source protocol, anyone who has skills can contribute to the development of Bitcoin. At present, more than 350 developers have contributed to the development of Bitcoin - which is much lower than 10,000 who work on Ethereum.