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Regarding the current BTDEX (not the pre-release), today for some reason BTDEX is requiring me to register a new smart contract to place an order to buy Signa for BTC. I've done this a few times before. I do not understand why all of a sudden it wants me to do it again. I can't keep using the same contracts which still show up in the explorer too.
#211 - August 02, 2022, 07:24:13 PM
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Metatrader is great.  A plain line or candle sticks option would be great.  I was thinking how great it would be to integrate Metatrader with SIGNUM.

On BTDEX 1-day, 1-week, etc  buttons don't seems to show what I would expect.  If 1 day shows a single day's price, is it showing the highest price, lowest, or the last price? And some data seems to be missing.  It is possible I just don't know how to read it.  But I have actually looked for my own trades and I don't see them on the chart.
#212 - August 02, 2022, 07:46:47 PM

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On BTDEX 1-day, 1-week, etc  buttons don't seems to show what I would expect.  If 1 day shows a single day's price, is it showing the highest price, lowest, or the last price?
It's showing the open, close, high and low prices for that day. These 4 pieces of information form the candle. I just learned something too. If you keep your mouse over a specific candle, it will actually tell you those 4 prices. So it's similar to Metatrader and so many others. The time frame you select sets the candle duration. If you select 1 day then each candle is 1 day's worth of prices. Some people like line charts. In that case, only close or current price is shown. I prefer to see candles since it contains more info.

But I have actually looked for my own trades and I don't see them on the chart.
I think I understand you now. The time frame buttons are just related to the chart. They do nothing for the trade history box below. The trade history is separate. The chart shows total price history from all traders. It doesn't plot prices of just your own trades. And the trade history below shows either all trade history or just your own trades if you want. But the chart and trade history are separate features. The time frame buttons do not affect the trade history. Likewise, the option to show your own trades does not affect the chart.

#213 - August 02, 2022, 08:03:24 PM

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I think I learned something from you too about this feature.  I still find it clumsy though.  

I changed Suggestion #5 to be less harsh and less opinionated.

5.) Improve the trade history graphics. It is objectively terrible.
 a.) Replace histograms with a line graph or candle sticks.
 b.) Buttons should select the period to display. I don't understand what they mean but "1 day" is not showing 1 day of anything.
 c.) Make it look like a typical CEX order book graphic's line graph.

#214 - August 02, 2022, 08:12:42 PM

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I think I learned something from you too about this feature.  I still find it clumsy though. 
Yes, some improvements definitely are needed.

I changed Suggestion #5 to be less harsh and less opinionated.
I would change point 'a' to say "Have the option to show lines or candlesticks". I say this because it already shows candlesticks. If you select 1 day and look at today's candle, you will see an upper and lower tail. So it's a candlestick chart already. A histogram chart would just show solid bars the same width and no tails.

#215 - August 02, 2022, 08:22:45 PM

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I am still confused by the BTDEX graphic. This is a good example of why.  This is the 1-day BTC history for today.  It does not show the recent orders on the graph.  What does it mean when a bar is greyed out?  Why is the 1-day button showing only 2 days (May 21st and ~30th)?

#216 - August 02, 2022, 08:24:22 PM

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I would change point 'a' to say "Have the option to show lines or candlesticks". I say this because it already shows candlesticks. If you select 1 day and look at today's candle, you will see an upper and lower tail. So it's a candlestick chart already. A histogram chart would just show solid bars the same width and no tails.
#217 - August 02, 2022, 08:27:30 PM

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What does it mean when a bar is greyed out? 
The gray bars on the bottom are volume bars. I know why you referred to a histogram now.

Why is the 1-day button showing only 2 days (May 21st and ~30th)?
That's a good question. Mine here looks totally different. See attachment. My chart is filled with candles. It must be something related with your local node. I understand your issue now.

#218 - August 02, 2022, 08:47:18 PM

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My FZT looks just like yours.  Does your BTC order history graph look different than mine?
#219 - August 02, 2022, 08:51:08 PM

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My FZT looks just like yours.  Does your BTC order history graph look different than mine?
Oh, I thought your image was about FZT. It's too small for me to make out details. Yes, my BTC chart looks like yours.

The BTC chart is an incorrect chart I think. There is volume but no candles. Candles should appear whenever there was a completed trade. As there was on July 30 and 31, but no candles display for those dates.
#220 - August 02, 2022, 09:11:02 PM

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This  from Pir8Radio on the SIGNUM discord:

For anyone playing The Mining Game (, and have won some TMG, you can now play the WHEEL OF SIGNA!  It costs 1 TMG & 0.52 signa to spin.  The smart contract will randomly spin the wheel and pay you 1-10% of the SIGNA POT! The wheel holds on to 120 TMG tokens (to collect the TMG payouts and add to the pot) and burns the overage TMG keeping the mining game competitive and circulating supply low.  Give it a spin here: !!

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#221 - August 05, 2022, 12:45:21 PM

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From a discussion on discord:

Wheel of SIGNA is the first web page that handles assets transfers to smart contracts!  Deleterium and Pir8radio report finding some small bugs in SignumJS and Signum XT wallet and these have already been fixed by Ohager in the next version.
The path for tokenization in next dapps is open! 
Contract explained and source code: 
#222 - August 05, 2022, 01:10:06 PM

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Another 250000 Signa successfully purchased from BTDEX.

Transaction ID: 13402979554534205826
#223 - August 07, 2022, 01:25:20 PM

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A new release of BTDEX is available: v0.6.6.  This release is to fix the fees on revenue distribution by multi-out.
#224 - August 16, 2022, 01:24:41 AM

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Another 250000 Signa successfully purchased from BTDEX.

Transaction ID: 18203835863439532866
#225 - August 18, 2022, 10:48:20 AM


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