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consistent profit on forex?

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

Actually, the way to generate stable and consistent profits is simple.

The key is not in the most sophisticated analysis techniques or trading systems, but rather patient and not greedy behavior.

#16 - February 09, 2019, 11:47:20 PM

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Yes of course I have experienced loss failure in the first 2 years in finding the trading system that I use today. Because undisciplined often change trading techniques and not focus.

 If you study Trading focus on one technique and only one pair of currencies, such as using the SnD technique and the EURUSD pair just mastering the study to control the old time will definitely be able to profit consistently.
wow, my inspiration this morning turned out to be hehe, thank you for the experience in trading forex that was shared, hopefully those who read can understand what it means to understand 1 technique as you say and become consistent profit.;D
#17 - February 10, 2019, 12:12:32 AM

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Sebenarnya, cara untuk menghasilkan laba yang stabil dan konsisten itu sederhana.

Kuncinya bukan pada teknik analisis atau sistem perdagangan yang paling canggih, tetapi lebih pada kesabaran dan bukan perilaku serakah.
Good morning, Mr. van,
I also agree with Mr. van, indeed to be able to succeed in forex trading can not only be supported by sophisticated techniques, but also requires controlled emotions. Because indeed it seems the world of forex business is very multi-aspect and flexible.
#18 - February 10, 2019, 12:27:38 AM

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Actually, the way to generate stable and consistent profits is simple.

The key is not in the most sophisticated analysis techniques or trading systems, but rather patient and not greedy behavior.
We can apply discipline and patience in trading as long as we have all the necessary trading components. and these components are, trading systems, rule trading, money management and trading plans. all of these things greatly support our trading to be able to achieve success

#19 - February 10, 2019, 12:29:15 AM

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

i think how long to make consistent profit its so hard cause we need more learn about market technical phsycology and many more, if we completed all of them i believe we can make a consistent profit.
#20 - February 10, 2019, 12:30:03 AM

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We can apply discipline and patience in trading as long as we have all the necessary trading components. and these components are, trading systems, rule trading, money management and trading plans. all of these things greatly support our trading to be able to achieve success

i agree with you bro, this is forex its so hard to trade in forex, keep learning as long as we can and earn the prize from what we are learning.
#21 - February 10, 2019, 12:57:20 AM

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The most difficult thing to do in trading is controlling psychology, others are easy to learn and do. But unfortunately this psychology is the most vital factor that determines our success in trading. And the way to control that psychology is patiently and discipline

#22 - February 10, 2019, 01:05:43 AM

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wow, my inspiration this morning turned out to be hehe, thank you for the experience in trading forex that was shared, hopefully those who read can understand what it means to understand 1 technique as you say and become consistent profit.;D
That's right, I used to often change trading techniques and finally I couldn't focus and lose a lot.
 After understanding one trading technique and reviewing each week the errors in trading then Loss starts to decrease and profit can be consistent even though on average only 5-20% per month must be grateful.
#23 - February 10, 2019, 06:23:48 AM

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

good afternoon friend trader .. yes if we want to study properly. I am sure that in the near future we will all be able to quickly make a profit
#24 - February 10, 2019, 06:27:09 AM

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

Learning forex if I'm around 3 years old, and it's already starting to show the success of consistent profits even in small amounts. I focus more first on maintaining an account so that it doesn't have a margin call.
#25 - February 10, 2019, 06:34:39 AM

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

Please permission to answer, in my opinion as a trader who has experienced difficulties because of forex trading, beginner traders can only be consistent profit if he is serious about learning and discipline in undergoing forex trading business. Thanks.
#26 - February 10, 2019, 07:12:50 AM

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if we want to be consistent profit we have to be able to trade consistently with the techniques we use ... most of us are carried away by emotion and greed
#27 - February 10, 2019, 07:18:12 AM

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

In doing forex trading it isn't as easy as most people imagine. To do forex trading this requires a lot of good preparation and planning. Therefore, traders must be able to focus and be serious in learning and practicing forex trading. Because to be able to understand and master the science of trading also depends on the level of understanding and seriousness of each trader as well. So for traders to be able to produce consistent profits, it takes time that isn't short, must go through various stages of the learning process first.
#28 - February 10, 2019, 01:04:21 PM

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

use a money management , because we had feel losseb. so with money managament we can control to minimize losse and max the profit with risk : reward .
#29 - February 10, 2019, 02:06:32 PM

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hello friends, to be able to jump in the world of forek we know it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand,
then how long can we profit consistently and how long do we need to learn to understand and analyze market movements? because the average is still a lot of treder which is still not consistent profit. then how can we be consistent profit.

;D;D... this is a lot of questions asked by novice traders like me, but not just beginners for reliable traders who are certainly difficult whose name is consistent, the main task in each of us.

#30 - February 10, 2019, 02:10:45 PM


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