maybe yes, sir ... I myself am still studying in the theory of forex. & still use a demo account
Ya, hal yang sama juga masih baru, belum ada lima tahun, dan saya tidak dapat untung sepenuhnya. tetapi dengan kita selalu berusaha dan belajar dengan disiplin maka dimungkinkan untuk menuai hasil yang memuaskan.
5years is a very long time, sir ...did you profit from forex trading, sir?
quite clear your comments, thanks for the input
5 tahun itu adalah waktu yang sangat lama, tuan ... apakah Anda mendapat untung dari perdagangan forex, tuan?
you're welcome, I hope you are better in the world of forex and gain as much profit and minimize losses well
yes sir, I myself am still learning in theory and demo accounts hehe
OK enthusiasm for learning, make each one to be better, record every profit or loss in your trading, and analyze every week, it will get what you are looking for all this time
pretty good advice that you gave me. to analyze it whether you have suggestions for me ?
Buy and Sell in Forex TadingHave you ever swapped your rupiah (IDR) to US dollars (USD)? Or, maybe you have exchanged USD with EUR (euro)? Well, at that time you were actually involved in the money market. The act of "exchanging" IDR to USD or USD to EUR is a forex transaction! At that time you are carrying out foreign exchange trading activities. When you "exchange" your IDR to USD, you are basically selling your IDR and at the same time
it is conventional foreign exchange, and now all that we can do in front of our computers and smartphones.
really what you're talking about,so I started trading forex myself, and myself still using a demo account, to study before a real account
Good, learn to understand in the demo account first, then move to the real cent account, then the last real micro and standard account
thank you for visiting my thread.His name is still a beginner sir, I myself still join in the forex world for about 1 month and a half so please be advised by you ..thank you
Trading is not that easy, if we exchange money like to a changer it is easy for us to just buy or sell curency that we will exchange but if in forex it's different, forex needs analysis and strategy.
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