yes correct Indicators are only a tool to predict prices. sometimes indicators conflict with fundamentals
look for the moment when TA and FA are in the same direction, so you will get full confidence in trading. Always analyze on a weekly holiday before trading, either on TA by looking at candelstick with indicators or FA by looking at the trade calendar.
I trade with indicators because I don't really understand the candle stick pattern
I prefer indicators. because the indicator reads the candle stick.while the candle stick moves without certainty, only based on the pattern.
I think candlesticks or indicators are all good depending on the convenience of each trader.
I choose an indicator, because the indicator is more complex and provides a more accurate price prediction compared to a candle stick based on patterns only.
whether that means the candle does not provide a lot of information, in my opinion the candle will be more representative of price movements rather than indicators.
The candle only represents the price that has occurred, while the indicator signals the possibility that it will occur from market movements.
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