If you are a Full Time trader who doesn't need to go to office early in the morning, it might not be a big problem. But if you still have to work from 8:00 a.m., trading with staying up late risks the health and lifestyle as a whole. Therefore, you must have a way to choose the best time for trading.
Actually, forex trading is an activity that can be tailored to each individual. If your partner prefers to stay up while trading, you don't have to force yourself to follow his sleep hours. The most important thing is how to get profit and avoid loss. Easy when spoken, but it feels difficult when it will be applied. Especially if you are easily tempted to peek at the trading platform constantly.
You know that the right time for trading for each trader varies depending on: the traded pair, the trading style, and the free time that you can provide without interfering with routine activities. Adjust the right time to trade with your conditions and comfort.
Linkback: https://www.forex.zone/general-forex-discussion/1/choosing-the-right-time-for-trading/1818/