No one can predict the future with certainty, as well as the metatrader chart, we do not know where prices will move one minute ahead, we only make predictions, predictions can be correct and can also be wrong, then money management is very important when our predictions Our capital is not wrong.
actually what are the indicators that are easy to understand and can always get consistent profits in this forex world
i guees all indicator is good, iys up to us as trader can read that momentum or not, as myself i just follow trend and wait for the high news impact and read some technical with it, RSI and bollinger bands is my favorite, try that and learn bro
I open this Thread with the aim of making strong confidence so that we can be consistent profit, Like the Title of this Thread is Consistent Forex TechniqueMaybe in this forum there have been many and very many forex trading techniques, and all of them are good, and my discussion.Can you get consistent profit?Many techniques if it's rarely sharpened, bro,Same as Martial Arts, Got a lot of moves but rarely trained. EXAMINATIONand vice versaHave 1 technique sharpened every day,At least 3-4 months of training so that we can know the weaknesses and strengths of the technique where,so we can fixOur goal in forex must be the same, to seek consistent profit, not to find many trading techniquesSo, what are the many techniques if it's not consistent,Discuss on Thread so that Confidence in Trading Techniques that have been attached to your MT4.That is all and thank you
in my opinion if we use a bollinger band we can find out whether the market is trending what is consolidation because of what I learned from bolingerband bosa know the market when the bb blooms or expands that's the trend that if we don't use bb we don't know the trend because I use bb
correctly. I agree with the statement if we have to be consistent with the trading techniques that we have. many traders experience loss because they often change the technique.
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