Control Emotions with CoffeeHello everyone ... Here I will give a technique that can master mental psychology and emotions well, even though this is still in the research process.We know that in playing forex we need very maximum techniques and mental and emotional ones. If we have got the technique then we will learn about emotions. Actually this is outside the discussion of forex trading in life. that is, we can use coffee as our sedative to be more careful thinking. Maybe this looks strange but I myself have proven after a few years I started forex beside me who accompanied me. And based on the survey I did little. Some traders are the same thing when they carry out trading activities drinking coffee. And we can also use cigarettes as a complement. That is my opinion maybe from all of you there are those who disagree with my opinion. I only give my experience during playing forex trading tools that I use to control emotions, one of which is coffee. Thank you for the rest. I can post a comment so we can learn from each other.
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