the risk can be suppressed by the patience of applying risk management so we must be able to control emotions first.
All can be suppressed and controlled, including emotions. do things that make you relaxed to regulate emotions, and do not let when emotions are overflowing instead of trading.
To control emotions it is necessary to have a calm and comfortable atmosphere because if the market conditions are not stable it will have difficulty controlling emotions.
comfortable conditions can be created, with relaxation of music and also MM control with the placement of good SL and TP.
absolutely right, risk management is one of the important things in creating trading comfort and security.
Risk management in forex is the obligation of Mr. Prameswara.
right, it's mandatory, so traders who ignore risk management will find it difficult to achieve consistent profit.
with Risk Management so we can control us, because both losses and profits have been determined.
with emotional control we can control our trading, thus not being carried away by lust and doing
It's easy to pack, positive emotions can grow as our psychology is trained and mature so we always practice and control our psychology.
like cholesterol there is also good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, we just need to increase good cholesterol levels in the body, just as there are emotions when we trade.
perfect figure of speech, it is true, our emotions are there so we must always increase our positive emotions.
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