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Control your emotions

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controlling emotions is very important because when you can control your emotions well then what do you do. it must be in line with your thinking. Besides that, when you can control your emotions in the world of trading, your risk will be smaller for it and you can develop your potential. your own victory You must be able to manage all your opportunities well by maintaining stable emotions so that what you do will definitely have a positive impact for now and the future
#1561 - July 25, 2023, 09:28:46 AM

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when you are able to control your emotions then everything you do will end positively because people who are able to manage emotions are people who can control themselves so they don't get involved in negative thoughts
#1562 - July 27, 2023, 01:51:16 AM

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When you are able to control your emotions, it will make your mind more comfortable because you shouldn't use unstable emotions and you should be able to get rid of the wrong emotions. That way, it will be easy for you to use trading in the right way, so you will also benefit. the big one.
#1563 - July 29, 2023, 08:26:27 AM

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when you can control your emotions well. At the same time you can prevent it. negative thoughts from within you people who are easily emotional when trading forex will not be able to succeed because it will be formed with the emotions that you use yourself. It's best when you are trading forex, your mind must be calm, you must be able to keep your emotions calm, and you must be able to use a good trading system that you can use appropriately.
#1564 - July 30, 2023, 09:40:47 AM

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Controlling your emotions is the best way to avoid being too reckless. do Open positions on target because unstable emotions will not be possible to be successful in forex trading and one way to do that. You can be successful if you control your own emotions. Indeed, everyone must have their own emotional attitude. and the emotional level of each, but when you can't control those emotions, everything will be destroyed. messy so my advice when you carry out trading activities you must be able to control your emotions properly. so you can get a big profit.
#1565 - August 01, 2023, 09:23:31 AM

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Controlling emotions is the right action when you carry out trading activities your emotions can be well maintained because when you can control your emotions, then all the activities you do will definitely support you to be able to make you a great trader and make sure you can use those emotions to get a lot of profit so never to use emotions for negative traits such as greed or revenge.
#1566 - August 02, 2023, 09:27:35 AM

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Controlling your emotions well will be one of the right ways so that you don't give up easily or don't get emotional easily when carrying out trading activities because when people are emotional then I'm sure what is on their mind is only how to get big profits in a fast way they will forget their main goal is to trade, namely to benefit from the difference in price and they will forget it and they will ignore it. We don't want that to happen. We must be able to stay consistent with what is our goal.
#1567 - August 03, 2023, 09:59:13 AM

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As a trader, you must be able to control your emotions well and be stable. Explosive emotions will not be appropriate for trading because people who are easily emotional and do not want to accept what they do to defeat should not do this activity because it is very useless later and You have to be able to be a person who easily holds back your emotions when you do encounter problems in the middle of the road because emotions are very important for us to manage so that later we can become winners.
#1568 - August 04, 2023, 10:05:39 AM

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Controlling emotions is mandatory. because when you don't control your emotions then you won't be. a professional you will be his own son by trading. and can't use your trading plan well that emotion is. negative things that you have to get rid of your mind when you do. trading and you lose you are not emotional You have to be able to control these emotions so that you win from evil traits.
#1569 - August 05, 2023, 09:03:42 AM

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It is indeed important for you to control your emotions because by controlling your emotions properly you can later focus on executing trades with higher expectations.
#1570 - August 07, 2023, 06:54:37 AM

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Controlling emotions is a mandatory action that you must use when carrying out forex trading activities because by controlling your emotions you become a person who is able to think logically and not be emotional.
#1571 - August 08, 2023, 05:22:22 AM

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Controlling emotions is a must. for us to maintain the stability of our mind properly because without that emotion. stable we will not be able to calm down we will often be afraid and often think about. wrong action and not being able to fight properly emotions it will. makes us more peaceful when we lose or lose the most. important when we carry out trading activities is to keep emotions. so that it can be stable at any time when we can't make a profit or we can't get the target.
#1572 - August 09, 2023, 09:13:43 AM

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Emotions are one of the most important aspects that we have to cultivate every day. Why every day because of that emotion. it can come when we do the wrong thing and we can't control our own thoughts. Everyone must be emotional, it's normal, but most people can't. control it well they are too ambitious to get something fast they are too disappointed too easy to get angry when trading the wrong way and Thing. this is what we have to get rid of in our brains we have to be able to keep emotions with patience and peace of mind with. so everything will be more comfortable for us to trade
#1573 - August 10, 2023, 09:46:50 AM

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Emotional regulation is one of the ways that we can be psychologically stable with stable emotions, meaning that we will have the best psychology that we can benefit from in foreign exchange trading. People's emotions are normal, especially when they can't reach the expected target or goal. be used as an excuse that emotions are a good thing, precisely when you are emotional you must be able to hold back those emotions so that when you carry out trading activities you have stable emotions and can control your emotions well.
#1574 - August 13, 2023, 09:11:25 AM

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When you swallow defeat, this is where you have to be able to use that emotion. can control well because when you can't control emotions with. stable then as a result you will get angry easily and you will do everything possible to be able to return the capital. You failed earlier and it will damage you psychologically like people. who play gambling and this should not happen to all of us because later we will but regret why we. doing that How much wiser we should be able to be more willing to accept. defeat is graceful and we also have to be able to control our emotions. do not do excessive open positions.
#1575 - August 14, 2023, 09:06:08 AM


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