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Control your emotions

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Controlling emotions is the right action when you trade. forex because when you can't control your emotions, then everything will fall apart and you won't be able to be consistent as a good trader. must have a stable psychology so that they can manage their emotions well, therefore emotions are very important so that later when you fail. or you lose, then you can get stable emotions and can get the right success.
#1576 - August 15, 2023, 08:17:52 AM

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Why controlling emotions is important. because when you can control your emotions stably then whatever the activity. what you do it will always be. according to the system you use and what you write. Because emotions can. makes people change 180 degrees when that person is emotional especially. at times they fail to make a profit or they even MC it. will change their mindset for the worse and end up with no thoughts. positive thing in their mind. So don't get to you. doing something like that you have to be able to control your emotions stable. so that your trading journey becomes smooth
#1577 - August 16, 2023, 09:21:11 AM

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Controlling those emotions is the action we must use when we create. emotions are higher because when we trade, of course, our emotions will be especially unstable. when the Open position we have experienced. floating minus and that is something that is natural but don't make it an excuse. not to do repairs to your emotions that emotion is something that is. according to ourselves. If we can control it well the emotion will be stable but when we can't. control these emotions properly we will become more emotional again and. will do the wrong thing
#1578 - August 17, 2023, 09:26:26 AM

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Controlling those emotions will make us more stable psychologically because. someone who can control his emotions well then in carrying out activities will definitely be. using a cold mind they won't use emotion when doing Open positions and secondly When you have emotional ones. stable. When you fail, you will be normal, you won't get excited, let alone want revenge, because you know when you do that, it will. make your money disappear because you will definitely use a large lot with lots of open positions.
#1579 - August 19, 2023, 08:13:22 AM

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controlling emotions can make us more comfortable mentally and psychologically because people who are good at controlling emotions well, their lives will always be blessed and they always act in a calm and patient way, people who demand emotions, of course, when trading, they will not do anything like that -types of not taking revenge, not doing a lot of Open positions when they fail, they will choose to be silent and reflect and take actions such as evaluations so that every day they can control their emotions and the profits they get will definitely increase
#1580 - August 20, 2023, 10:41:32 AM

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It is important to control emotion, despite this is included human nature which has emotion, but this is like a test fow own selves to trained patience in trading, because in minds there are positive and negative emotion, if always negative emotion win, hence the action will often get bad performance.
#1581 - August 20, 2023, 09:39:24 PM

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Why is controlling emotions so important because with stable emotions you can carry out activities comfortably because emotions are related to someone's psychology where people who have emotionally stable will definitely trade with the right decisions without any emotion at all because that's when we decide to do business, especially the forex trading business, we must be able to have stable emotions or when you are still an emotional person, you can try to learn emotions, the way is to be patient and disciplined and diligent in trading. When you encounter failure, don't panic. When you fail, you don't have to be angry. When you fail, the important thing is when you have stable emotions. You must be able to use it in your trading journey so that you get big profits.
#1582 - August 21, 2023, 10:14:27 AM

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Emotion is human nature, however in trading we must control emotion to always working trading with calm minds, because emotion only leading traders to make reckless decisions and eventually losses own selves.
#1583 - August 21, 2023, 10:09:31 PM

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It is very important for us to control our emotions when we trade because when we control our emotions later we can be stable, we can get many good experiences.
#1584 - August 23, 2023, 01:13:54 AM

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Controlling an emotion is important because emotions that are not controlled properly, then it will make you become. miserable, there are so many people who fail to do forex trading because it's just. unstable emotional problems because of these unstable emotional problems. What you do will definitely be negative, for sure you will do the wrong way to open positions, most open positions do not do large lots. use Stoploss Those are all examples of unstable emotions So you have to be able to control the right emotions.
#1585 - August 24, 2023, 08:33:37 AM

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As a trader, the main key to success is not analysis, in my opinion, the main key to success is being able to control your emotions. Why is controlling your emotions one of the keys to success because when you can trade when you trade using your emotions it makes it even more difficult for you to try and you have to be able to take action to stabilize your emotions. If you want to be successful, controlling your emotions is important for you to learn.
#1586 - August 25, 2023, 09:24:56 AM

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Controlling emotions is the right action because by controlling emotions later you can get good peace of mind because emotions are unstable, you should not trade using it first because it will be very dangerous and with this you must be able to adjust your emotional mind, it must be able to change be positive because when you are able to make your emotions stable later it will be easy for you to trade with a calm mood.
#1587 - August 27, 2023, 09:07:34 AM

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one of the differences between beginner and professional traders is that with their emotions, a beginner will not be able to keep their emotions well because they are still not able to make psychology stable, but a professional will be able to maintain their emotions when they lose or open their position is hit by a stop loss, they will get used to that's because they know that everything has a time to fail and we as beginners have to imitate this kind of thing so that we can also stabilize our minds and stabilize our psychology
#1588 - August 28, 2023, 09:31:20 AM

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When you carry out forex trading activities, you must be able to control your emotions well so that later you can find it easy to think and not easily get emotional when opening positions because with stable emotions, whatever the problem is, you can fix it comfortably.
#1589 - August 30, 2023, 08:22:01 AM

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Controlling emotions is a good attitude when we become traders. We must have stable emotions when we trade when we face a situation like. floating minus or even our position is hit by a stop loss, we have to be able to do it. control our emotions stably because when we are emotional we will take wrong actions such as opening positions with lots. large or using a lot of open positions that are not basic and it will all be very dangerous
#1590 - August 31, 2023, 09:18:11 AM


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