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Control your emotions

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One of the best ways to be able to trade with a calm mood is to control your emotions because when you are able to control your emotions well then whatever you do will definitely be based on a system based on the situation if you are always emotional if you always trade with  If you have a negative nature then you will get angry easily. When you fail you will not find any happiness in trading forex, therefore it is very important to manage your emotions when you fail when you don't make a profit so you can do it better.
#1696 - November 29, 2023, 07:49:09 AM

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For me, people who are always able to control their emotions well are the type of person who is mentally strong and always puts emotional interests before the interests of making a profit. I agree with this person because when you are able to control your emotions well, being able to overcome difficult situations becomes easier.  calmer, then on your journey it will be easier for you to get consistent results and people like this will definitely tend to be successful because they can control the situation and can trade without emotion.
#1697 - November 30, 2023, 08:02:20 AM

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The more you understand how to control your emotions, the more psychologically stable you will be in trading forex. Emotions will make us become other people. Emotions will make us unable to do trading systems well because when we are emotional we definitely want something more, we want something too much.  a lot and that will make it difficult for us to get good and correct results, therefore it is very important for us to always control our emotions well, always control our trading activities in a stable psychological way so that everything is safe
#1698 - December 01, 2023, 08:12:57 AM

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When you control your own emotions, you can form a stable mind because when someone is able to control their own emotions then that person will be able to get big profits. They can control their own psychology to get something or their goal when carrying out forex trading.  It's called emotion, but that doesn't mean we can't control it. It all goes back to intentions, when we fail, when we are disappointed, when we are angry, we must be able to control our emotions so that this situation will be fine and your focus remains on your goal to be consistent.
#1699 - December 03, 2023, 08:18:08 AM

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I think, Emotions can play a significant role in the success or failure of a trader. However, controlling emotions while trading can be a challenge for many individuals. The good news is that with practice and the right strategies, it is possible to gain control over our emotions and make better trading decisions.
#1700 - December 04, 2023, 03:00:25 AM

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Learning to control emotions is one of the attitudes that we must emphasize when we trade foreign exchange because when we learn to control emotions it makes our emotions more stable, the benefits are many, especially when we lose or when we fail because when we experience  Something that doesn't match expectations, emotions will appear and that's when we have to be able to really change these emotions into sincerity, one of which is by controlling emotions because emotions are very dangerous.  If you don't let go of your emotions, it will be very dangerous for you when trading foreign exchange.
#1701 - December 04, 2023, 08:23:50 AM

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Emotions sometimes come after hearing unpleasant news, especially when we see that our account often loses. Emotions often come without being asked and at unexpected times. If this is the case, you are required to remain calm while getting rid of emotions in trading and remaining calm again.
#1702 - December 04, 2023, 12:31:07 PM

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Controlling all emotions is important because when you control your emotions stably you can trade with the right target. You will not be able to get negative results because you are able to control your emotions well. Make sure you can make everything stable even if you fail because  There is still a lot of time you can use to trade so don't worry, the important thing is that you can control your emotions well when you fail and get up again.
#1703 - December 06, 2023, 07:45:55 AM

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Of course we have to be able to control our emotions in every transaction because we don't always make a profit and may experience losses and also, however, we have to be able to make ourselves accept every result we get. .
#1704 - December 06, 2023, 09:30:37 AM

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controlling your emotions is the best way so that you can control your situation and control your position as a trader because there are lots of stories or facts. Indeed, when a trader cannot control his emotions well, whatever he does, he will definitely be greedy, it will definitely be negative and he will always not be able to get results.  consistent, but when you can control your emotions stably, it means you will do this job correctly, do this job with a target, you have to do this job with comfortable results according to your abilities and that will definitely make you professional, it will make you consistent, therefore  It is very important to learn from now on to control your emotions well
#1705 - December 07, 2023, 07:57:05 AM

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In trading, as a retail trader, we can only follow the market flow, small funds cannot possibly control the price, because we cannot control the price, we must be able to control our emotions, so we don't trade blindly.
#1706 - December 07, 2023, 09:31:06 PM

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Emotions are a bad attitude. When you hold back those emotions because when you always hold them in, don't let them go and you can't control them, it will actually hinder you from becoming a great trader. Emotions can make us lose a lot of goals. Emotions will also make us  we are people who don't know the rules, therefore when we fail we have to be able to control our emotions we have to be able to maintain the quality of ourselves so that we don't get emotional we have to be sincere when we lose
#1707 - December 10, 2023, 08:08:41 AM

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I think we need to have the ability to control our emotions so that what we learn can produce results to be used as provisions to pursue this business, and even that is not enough to guarantee that we can be successful, it takes time and patience to manage it so it has to be balanced too. so that everything can run as it should
#1708 - December 11, 2023, 12:54:19 AM

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In my opinion, controlling your emotions will provide good insight for you when carrying out forex trading because after all, controlling your emotions will enable you to reduce the risk of losing and be able to manage your psychology well. Controlling your emotions when you lose is indeed more difficult and indeed  I admit that it's not easy, but as time goes by, I'm sure that everything can be learned and can be carried out well and correctly.
#1709 - December 13, 2023, 07:53:10 AM

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When you control your emotions it will have a good impact on you because when you are able to control your emotions well then what you do you will definitely be able to complete correctly. When you control your emotions then everything you do will be in accordance with the system because of emotions  The unstable will make us take the wrong steps and decisions
#1710 - December 14, 2023, 08:00:56 AM


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