Many traders naturally tend to be addicted to trading, or rather unable to escape even for a moment from the market. Like some people who cannot escape watching TV or playing online games, trading is often considered a habit that can provide emotional satisfaction. This is a serious mistake.
The trading platform is not an online game that is entertaining, but a business tool. Beginner traders usually tend to be addicted to trading due to excessive emotions regardless of the conditions of market price movements. Because they cannot get away from the market, they cannot stop and always want to enter the market. They do it only because they want to do it without being based on analysis and strong reasons. How to trade like that is not effective and expensive. If we trade less often, our risk will be smaller, and we should enter the market if the conditions are in accordance with the trading strategy that we agree on.
By not opening positions frequently, our potential risk / reward ratio will increase and our trading will be of higher quality. Increased quality of trading means a higher probability of profit. Unlike other professions where the more time we work, the more money will be made, but the profession of traders is not the case, we should instead avoid over-trading or excessive trading frequency. Over-trading due to addiction can be overcome by not involving our emotions when trading. If we are feeling stressed because of something outside of trading, then it's best to take a break to avoid the negative effects of the emotional pressure. Trading is very vulnerable to the influence of emotions, therefore we must always maintain emotional stability while trading so that it is not biased in making decisions.