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Efforts Will Never Betray Results

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Efforts not to betray the results are true, but the efforts referred to here are efforts that are positive and efforts that can indeed give you profits, so don't let it happen when you do forex trading that you try something wrong, such as using open positions that use a lot of management with big risks. You have to eliminate large lots that don't match your own capital. When you want to get positive results, you have to be able to think wisely as a trader who can be profitable and increase your own capital.
#541 - September 24, 2023, 09:03:09 AM

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If you do the activity correctly then the results will also be correct. Every effort will definitely pay for each effort. There will definitely be results when you do forex trading in a reckless way, you definitely won't be able to. make a profit but when you use forex trading in the right way as an investor then you can make a profit. The big thing is that the process of every business will bring you to the point of choice of profit or loss, so if you want consistent profits, you should use good efforts.
#542 - September 25, 2023, 08:59:10 AM

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Effort will not betray any results for those of you who do it. That's right, because good effort will definitely result from your analytical skills resulting from your trading system, so use proper effort. can really get consistent profits. Never make wasted efforts Never. Setting up a business will actually make you lose a lot of capital, so you don't need to think about the results. Just make sure your efforts are good. What you do will definitely get big results
#543 - September 26, 2023, 08:38:22 AM

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Effort will definitely not betray the results for people who are serious about doing it. trade with the process and continue to practice with the right practices because when you trade forex, you have to be able to make efforts to get better results and. Consistent. That's why we are required to always work hard, always trade well and follow the rules according to our trading plan
#544 - September 28, 2023, 08:34:05 AM

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Yes, effort does not betray the results. Indeed, when you use negative efforts there are results, but the results will also be negative. So the point is that the effort you put in is that everything will definitely get results, but the results you get depend on your efforts. The better your efforts, the more you can do it. get consistent results so when you trade, try to do it in positive ways so that your goals as a professional will be realized quickly and try to trade, you must be clear about your goals for investing or trading using the long term or short term, everything you have to think about first
#545 - September 29, 2023, 09:02:13 AM

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Any attempt would be impossible. betray the results if the business really has a clear goal and has the right trading system because every effort you make if. Indeed, this effort was carried out well, I am sure the results will be accurate. the results will be consistent while the efforts you put in in vain the efforts you do in the wrong way will create negative results therefore when you plan something. system for trading I ask you to try that this plan can really make you a profit. You try using a demo account first to see what the results are before you move on to using a real account
#546 - September 30, 2023, 09:29:06 AM

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Effort will not betray the results. people who are able to carry out business wisely and positively in every effort. Indeed, there are results, every effort will have a positive impact when. What you do is always met with standard procedures. It's good to always use a good trading plan because it's basically that outcome. according to what we try when we trade together, we must be able to make positive efforts. like Learning like practice like evaluation and everything like that. Later the results will be better, more consistent and you can develop into a professional.
#547 - October 01, 2023, 09:12:16 AM

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Effort will not betray the results, that's true because the effort you put in will definitely produce results, whether positive or negative. When we make an effort to achieve success, we definitely need positive effort, we need effort with hard work and smart work because just work hard. It's not enough. We also have to work smart in an era like this. We have to be able to do online learning. We have to be able to try hard to pursue our dreams. Therefore, when we want to be successful in the world of trading, in this case, we have to be able to try hard. It's best to learn by practicing by managing everything psychologically. We have to be able to try. Later that effort will become good hard work for yourself
#548 - October 02, 2023, 09:18:09 AM

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try until you can. get good results because. By trying well, you can get the best results too. The effort you make also cannot be wrong. Every time you trade, you must be able to make an effort. analyze you have to be able to try. To wait for momentum you must be able to try to use a stop. loss every effort you make will definitely produce the right results for you, therefore before you do and talk about problems. your results must be possible first. speak and try appropriately
#549 - October 03, 2023, 08:35:18 AM

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Effort will indeed give results. to people who provide effectiveness in what they do, for example when you trade, the thing you have to do the most is study. Use a demo account to practice using the strategy you already have. learning to manage using the correct trading system and managing correct risk is an effort. So. You must be able to do every effort step by step to. achieve good results because results will not appear if you don't start any business, especially if you are a lazy person
#550 - October 04, 2023, 08:06:57 AM

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It's not because it's difficult that we don't dare, but because we don't dare, everything becomes difficult. When we want to make a bet then there will definitely be results even if they are small.
#551 - October 05, 2023, 01:01:23 AM

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There are many types of business, for example when you carry out an activity you are required to carry out a business process, whether it is hard work or smart work, because in this day and age everything is online. So you have to be able to follow in the past people used manual workers but now we use laptops using technology and information. We also have to follow it, don't let our efforts be in vain because we lack information, we understand technology, therefore, when you want effective results, you have to be able to try with discipline, work hard and also work smart, after you can use a combination like that. I am sure you will receive extraordinary results.
#552 - October 05, 2023, 09:14:40 AM

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every effort you make will definitely produce profits for you, therefore every effort you make must be based on the system learning you did before because basically every effort will produce positive results when you work hard and are willing to carry out the process because in forex trading it is something you have to use in the right way, we can't be successful in an instant way, we can't be successful just by using signals, all of that has to be in manual form. You have to be smart to create the right technical analysis system strategy and management system. You also have to be able to manage your psychology well, therefore, when you have gone through the process well, I am sure the results will be more positive for you.
#553 - October 06, 2023, 09:26:51 AM

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Effort will not betray the results because business will always produce results. This effort can produce something good or not, it depends on what we do, for example when we trade, when we want to be consistent, our business must be able to maintain management. Analyze well, take care of your psychology, the results will definitely be more accurate than if you don't use what I mentioned earlier, so everything you plant is what you reap. When you plant goodness, you will also get goodness and vice versa.
#554 - October 08, 2023, 08:13:22 AM

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every effort we make is certain. We want to get the best results, just as we want to get consistent results in forex trading. That way, the efforts we make must really be able to use trading well. We must be able to. use hard work and smart work so that when we trade we will know what we should try to do every time. analyze you using consistent knowledge with high accuracy, use momentum to wait. Open positions, use management so that you are not greedy, use realistic targets, all of this is the effort you make to get good results. best
#555 - October 09, 2023, 08:31:15 AM


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