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Efforts Will Never Betray Results

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Every effort will have results. Whatever you do will definitely produce results, so in this case there is no need to worry. What we need to be aware of is that the effort must also be a positive effort, not a negative effort. What is positive effort is when you are enthusiastic about learning, enthusiastic about practicing, enthusiastic about trying, you can know whether you have a sufficient target or not, don't let emotions control your psychology, all of that is a good effort that will make you get good results in your life. forex trading. Don't make negative efforts such as being greedy and not being able to use the lot properly.
#556 - October 10, 2023, 09:00:39 AM

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I think efforts must also be calculated. You need to remember that the foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid market in the world, and of course business in the forex sector can make us successful.
#557 - October 10, 2023, 09:03:22 AM

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Every effort will not betray the results if what you do is in accordance with the plan and in accordance with the system because you are a trader then you must be able to try to consistently get profits. You must be able to use small risks every time you open a position. Use your best efforts. You can get profits every time there is momentum because it is very important to maintain management and master the techniques well. Every effort will always get results, whether bad or good, therefore we must be able to try to always get the best results from what we do. do
#558 - October 11, 2023, 08:49:19 AM

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Effort depends on what we do. do if we do forex trading with positive efforts such as. carry out analysis and open positions with the momentum of trading. with a clear target, open a position with stop loss and take profit. I'm sure this effort will work. producing extraordinary results makes you consistent, but when you trade haphazardly without using analysis, no. using stop loss is not using lot wisely. So don't expect you to get good results.
#559 - October 12, 2023, 08:26:06 AM

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Effort does not betray the results. When we trade, we will definitely get results, whether positive or negative, whether it is a loss or a profit, depending on our behavior when carrying out the trade itself, because when we do it wrong, we will get a loss, getting MC. and so on, but on the other hand, when we trade carefully and with discipline by implementing a good trading system, I am sure the results will also be good, therefore, when we trade, make sure and adjust it to our abilities, we must be able to make the trade as good as possible. our consistent money maker.
#560 - October 13, 2023, 09:08:02 AM

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Effort is something that depends on what we do. If we do forex trading, a definite effort is learning to practice making a trading system, making realistic targets. All of that is an effort to get consistent results in the implementation of the effort. You have to be comfortable, you have to be calm, you have to be patient. Don't be emotional. When you encounter an obstacle, you must be able to learn to understand and solve it well, so that later, when you are able to use positive efforts, the results will make you happy and consistent.
#561 - October 14, 2023, 08:36:35 AM

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Of course there will be results if there is effort. Traders can carry out transactions in real time and that is one form of business carried out by traders.
#562 - October 15, 2023, 12:51:29 AM

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Yes, all of that is one thing. our efforts when we want to carry out trading well, mature efforts. will produce good benefits wherever you do business. then you must be able to trade well at your own time. If you do your best, the results will also be good. So what you plant is what you will grow. reap so in this case you have to be diligent to work diligently to carry out analysis diligently to study diligently to maintain risk. all of that will be needed to get accurate results.
#563 - October 16, 2023, 08:13:39 AM

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Every effort will definitely have results, don't worry, but there are positive and negative efforts, when the effort you use is positive, the results will also be good, but when you trade in a negative way, the results will be MC, so it all depends on the method. You depend on your efforts, therefore try to be a professional who trades well, use targets, don't be greedy, don't want to get rich quickly in a short time, because everything requires a process, nothing is instant.
#564 - October 17, 2023, 08:20:35 AM

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A trader will keep trying until one day they achieve success. They have no ambition to get rich quickly and this Mentality contributes to their success because they are not greedy.
#565 - October 18, 2023, 01:02:20 AM

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Good business always has a positive impact on us because every result depends on the effort we put in and secondly, every time we make an effort to want to be successful and want to become rich, that effort must start from the beginning, starting from the learning stage, starting from the practice stage. start the stage to be consistent every month, then the results will be every year or every few years. I'm sure you will become rich, but when you start from emotions, greed, not wanting to evaluate when it's wrong, it will make it difficult for you to receive positive results.
#566 - October 18, 2023, 09:10:47 AM

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every effort you make will have an impact on your way of getting profits. Good business will get good results. Negative business will get negative results because you will automatically get that, therefore, when you want to be successful, you don't need to do anything.  The odd thing is, just do it according to your trading system, just do it consistently with patience and discipline, then I'm sure the results will be very effective, even if you get a small profit, it doesn't matter what's important. All your efforts will run smoothly.
#567 - October 19, 2023, 08:43:53 AM

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When you do a business, you have to be able to do a good business so that the results will also be positive because whatever you do, it all requires knowledge. In the world of trading, we need knowledge, we need effort, we need a process, so that we can get big profits and of course. we will always continue to get the results we like and you have to be patient to enjoy the effort.
#568 - October 21, 2023, 08:34:37 AM

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I agree that effort does not betray the results because after all it takes effort before we want to get results, but before we make an effort we first determine our plan, what our system will be like when we run a business or practice when trading forex. we know what our goal is, without that all our efforts will be in vain, therefore, if you want better results, you also have to be disciplined and apply consistency well as a trader.
#569 - October 22, 2023, 09:45:31 AM

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Apart from effort, you also need to take action with a neat and disciplined record, and you will feel the results in the next few months even if you use a small amount of capital first.
#570 - October 23, 2023, 01:06:06 AM


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