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forex education

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A good use of education is when you can trade in a comfortable, peaceful and patient atmosphere because in essence the use of education cannot be done in the wrong way. Education is the application of knowledge which should be done in calm conditions. Psychologically peaceful conditions must be able to Mastering Determine what knowledge you are doing. Determine whether you want to use indicators or not. You must be able to write all of this down by taking notes so that you know what you have to do every day. And all of that includes a trading plan for yourself.
#496 - October 02, 2023, 08:24:49 AM

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Before you do forex trading, it's a good idea to do educational learning first, whether it's personal education or using a mentor, and when you do the learning process, you have to be in a good atmosphere, calm, comfortable and patient. When you can't, you have to ask your supervisor. If you study on your own, you have to be able to learn them one by one, the point is to be patient and calm because when you are impatient and not calm in studying, then forever you will not be able to know how to use that knowledge because you too emotional but it is very important to study in really good conditions
#497 - October 03, 2023, 08:15:48 AM

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Education is something that is mandatory for us to do before trading or the education that you must learn is about technical management and psychology because when you are studying, of course you want a calm and comfortable atmosphere, therefore you must be able to have the right time and place. can make you focus on carrying out your learning well because when you are mastering knowledge and you are not in a good atmosphere then everything will be useless so you will not be able to master the knowledge well. You have to prepare all the tools that are really needed such as laptops, smartphones and so on. . You also have to be able to use a demo account first to test and reset all your techniques well and you also have to be able to be patient and persevere in mastering knowledge. You can't be smart all day every day. All of that takes time, so make sure that when you're learning, everything is in a calm and comfortable condition. full of patience.
#498 - October 04, 2023, 09:09:43 AM

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Yes, education influence to shaped a good person with better skill, in this world education also influence to make people rich, because they understand how to worked, compare with uneducated people, it will different result.
#499 - October 04, 2023, 09:12:56 PM

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There is a lot of paid forex education out there but I like the free one. Previously, I didn't understand at all about forex trading, but after learning, I was finally able to trade.
#500 - October 05, 2023, 12:30:19 AM

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Using education, you can't just learn it straight away. When you do forex trading and you want to learn, you have to step by step and you have to be able to understand calmly and comfortably. You have to choose a place that can really make you concentrate. Usually it's a good time. to learn is in the morning and in the evening that is the right time for you to learn to use a demo account using trading with your own research and you have to be patient to go through it so you can see the process
#501 - October 05, 2023, 08:17:26 AM

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You must be able to use education as comfortably as possible when you carry out the learning process. Comfortable education, calm education, patient education and education that suits your abilities when you study. You should use a strategy that is suitable for you, use indicators that are not complicated, use simple knowledge, the important thing is that your management must be correct because the most important thing here is the use of risk management and money management so that you can regularly use small risks and you will also gain consistent profits
#502 - October 06, 2023, 08:37:02 AM

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carrying out education must be full of calm and comfort because carrying out education cannot be rushed, everything must have time and planning because when you do a lesson and you cannot absorb the knowledge well, then everything will be in vain you will throw it away. You should be able to use a lot of time for the learning process, therefore you must be able to study well. Study consciously and carefully. If you find it difficult, you must be able to study one by one first. You must be comfortable. You must be calm about the knowledge you have. choose as your form of learning
#503 - October 07, 2023, 07:59:10 AM

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Wherever you carry out the learning process, you must be able to be calm and patient to carry out the learning process because when you are impatient and not calm, you will not be able to master the knowledge well. You must be comfortable using this knowledge, therefore, before you practice. Choose knowledge that really suits your desires and characteristics as a trader. You don't need to use a lot of knowledge. You don't need to use a lot of techniques. The important thing is that you are suited to one technique. You can master it continuously. The important thing is that you have to be patient to carry out the learning process well. Later, when you really have high accuracy, you can use it as your trading system in real trading
#504 - October 08, 2023, 08:28:02 AM

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In fact, you can also learn while trading on a real account. because experience is a teacher that can make us learn and make us successful.
#505 - October 08, 2023, 11:26:38 AM

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Education is something that we must be able to use well. What this means here is that when you are studying you must be able to learn something comfortably and calmly because when you are studying you definitely have to focus on the knowledge that you have used with the methods that you have used. choose. You have to be patient to use this method. You have to be able to learn each method well, therefore, when you are learning, make sure your mood is comfortable and calm so that what you have done will make you consistent.
#506 - October 10, 2023, 08:24:04 AM

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In my opinion, education about forex is certainly very necessary. Trading can be done by anyone with various backgrounds. The important thing is that you try to learn.
#507 - October 10, 2023, 08:50:14 AM

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Technically, education is learning that you must do before trading forex because with this learning you will gain a lot of knowledge that you can use for forex trading. Using this education must be in a comfortable and comfortable atmosphere, assisted by patience to understand every piece of knowledge that will be you learn. You have to form an appropriate method that can absorb this knowledge so that you can master it in the use of trading. You have to use a demo account in this case to try and practice so that you know the accuracy of this knowledge. I am sure that when you apply it correctly there will be many knowledge that you can master later
#508 - October 11, 2023, 08:34:24 AM

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Using education must be clear because education is a system that will lead you to success since you start trading forex. The only education you have to learn is about management and psychological analysis. Apart from that, you don't need to learn to use analysis, if you can just focus with one method, focus on realistic targets, focus on small risks, you just repeat it over and over again until you succeed in finding something that makes you confident that you can use this method for trading so use education as comfortably as possible and you have to be patient to learn well because it all takes time
#509 - October 12, 2023, 08:20:35 AM

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If you use education or learning, you must be in a calm and comfortable condition to absorb the knowledge because when you study in an uneasy condition, in a hurry or because there is not enough time, in my opinion it is not necessary because it is called learning to trade. it's not as fast as you think, it takes effort, it takes a process, it takes practice and you have to be patient to do this learning because what is called trading is waiting for the momentum to learn to analyze technical analysis, therefore it takes a long time to go through this process all well, so Therefore, when you decide to learn, use it in the right way
#510 - October 13, 2023, 08:31:47 AM


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