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forex education

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The forex education you convey is very good. In my opinion, we can now get forex education from YouTubers because those who are good at trading in Forex nowadays also want to share their knowledge on YouTube, so we can learn from them.
#526 - October 24, 2023, 11:12:54 AM

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education doesn't have to use a teacher, many successful people just rely on the habit of reading books, watching videos on YouTube or wherever. You can make a profit here because you don't have to spend money on using a teacher or hiring a teacher because in my opinion you have the ability to make do your own research later because that is better and what is certain is that when you are studying you need to be in a comfortable atmosphere in a calm atmosphere so that later the knowledge that you form and the knowledge that you create yourself can function well and you can use it for a trading system.
#527 - October 25, 2023, 08:18:06 AM

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Maybe forex education can make us more productive looking for other side income, for example being able to create our own indicators and robots from our personal trading experience and the lessons we have taken.
#528 - October 25, 2023, 11:04:22 AM

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Education in the world of trading must be able to be carried out with full confidence. It must be carried out with extra comfort and patience. Because without extra patience and comfort and calm you may find it difficult to gain knowledge in this education. Firstly, secondly, education must be carried out simply. Don't use random or strange techniques or methods because what I see now is that many of these techniques are strange and increasingly difficult to master. Believe me, trading is not as difficult as we imagine when we focus and consistently use the method seriously, then that's it. can be used as a tool to get consistent results.
#529 - October 26, 2023, 08:33:18 AM

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Forex education may be necessary now because technology is becoming more advanced, but we also need to look at the source of education, because in this era there are also sources that provide bad education.
#530 - October 26, 2023, 08:35:05 AM

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You must be able to use this understanding of education well, clear education using comfort and tranquility appropriately without all of that, you will not be able to understand education well without the right education, you will not be able to start practicing well, the education you choose must be the right education. It's really suitable for you. Don't use education that you don't understand and that you can't do well. You must be able to use education to learn with a lot of patience.
#531 - October 27, 2023, 08:25:51 AM

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Forex education is not just about learning how to operate basic instructions because when we trade on a real account it will feel very emotional because the risk is real loss.
#532 - October 27, 2023, 10:59:31 AM

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The best teacher is yourself. When you educate or learn about forex trading, you must be able to form a human character full of patience, comfort and calm, only these three keys can make you win or be successful. Why is that because in my opinion when you learn but you are not comfortable with that method you cannot use that knowledge well so it is useless therefore it is very important for us to choose a system that really suits us firstly and secondly we have to be in a calm atmosphere so that you can master something well and practice correctly so that later you can take your learning seriously and get the right knowledge
#533 - October 28, 2023, 07:48:13 AM

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If you care about forex education for yourself then try reading the book about the basics of trading. This book completely discusses the psychological and technical aspects of trading.
#534 - October 29, 2023, 12:20:55 AM

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Carrying out learning, the first thing is to look for information, whether it's through books, whether it's through videos, whether it's through PDF or maybe seminars, it doesn't matter. The important thing here is that when you want to learn education, you have to choose a method that suits you. You have to choose a method that suits you. it's easy to use and easy to do because I've seen lots of indicators or systems that are difficult to use either singly or in combination. But in my opinion here trading is not appropriate. The important thing is to set a system, whether you use someone else's method or maybe Do your own research, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that you are suitable.
#535 - October 29, 2023, 09:14:37 AM

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In my opinion, using education must be used in a reasonable way. Using education must be used in a good way because when you use education in a way that is uncomfortable, not calm, let alone impatient to absorb knowledge, it will actually make you lose direction even more. making you even less able to use this knowledge to trade, so every time you trade you are obliged to know the knowledge. You are obliged to learn first using a demo account. You don't need to be too anxious to use a real account before you can really master the knowledge in trading. that you can use
#536 - October 30, 2023, 08:06:38 AM

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education is something that must and. mandatory for us to use when we trade forex before us. go further using a real account or using capital. Really, we should educate ourselves well because with. So later we will get comfort and tranquility. To do that, education must be important. Education must bring us peace because that way, when we are not peaceful, it will be difficult for us to. To get the knowledge that we can prepare, you must be patient to train yourself
#537 - November 01, 2023, 07:21:02 AM

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In my opinion here, education will provide great benefits for us so that we can have the knowledge to trade forex. Education must suit our personality. It must suit our pleasures and education must cover all the needs that we will use, for example when you are comfortable. and be calm when using indicators, you have to be able to just use indicators, no need to use other methods or you are happier and more comfortable using price action, yes, you just use that, you don't need to use indicators, so when learning it has to be according to our pleasure.
#538 - November 02, 2023, 07:16:20 AM

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Education is an important thing where education will provide benefits for you to continue learning effectively. Sometimes we need learning that is comfortable, calm and patient. But it all depends on the quality of your time and your activities. If you have free time, you can make everything more comfortable and calm and you focus on studying. Usually use Saturdays and Sundays after you don't work. Use them for practice. Use a demo account. If you want
#539 - November 03, 2023, 08:03:58 AM

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We must be able to use education seriously because education is a knowledge that we must use when we talk about trading activities. We must be able to use education properly in a comfortable and calm way in the learning process because with comfortable education. and don't worry, we will definitely get good knowledge. My education is done seriously, carefully, patiently, don't just use education if it's not suitable, so in this case you are obliged to test the data first.
#540 - November 04, 2023, 08:05:18 AM


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