Hello friend.. traders and admin
It has been countless that Mc has been experienced
Sometimes it feels like just giving up in the world of forex if MC has approached
But mc is an integral part of trading
Many of course traders who are afraid of the MC
I am indeed a type of trader who is desperate to operate with 100 pip resistance, yes surely traders will say that I am a trader who is stupid, does not take into account MM, the exact determination of the MC
capital of 100 $ trading 1 lot (endurance 100pips) by taking tp 10 pips per day means a day can profit 10 $ if it lasts 10 days means it's BEP
Is it wrong to want to quickly reverse the capital? Mc doesn't matter
Linkback: https://www.forex.zone/general-forex-discussion/1/forex-margin-calls/1198/