my opinion, which is a discussion of scalping for beginners, they are always careless in the use of SL and TP, if the SL forgets to be installed on scalping then the compilation is proven to have a breakout or their breakdown will improve it.
for scalping, sometimes it doesn't put SL and TP because it's usually a manual close to loss or profit.
Although scalping if in my opinion it would be better to still use SL and TP as a barrier, it will be safer
Scalping is one of the preferred trading strategies for many forex traders. However, that does not mean this trading method is free of controversy. Many say that instead of Scalping Strategy, Day Trading or Swing Trading makes more sense and is potential to gain profit in forex.
I also agree, sir, maybe it's better to trade intraday, it will be better in running it
The longer the trading time frame, the safer I think, that's why scalping style or short-term trading is not recommended for beginners.
I think for beginners, if they wait a long time they become impatient
What is Scalping in forex trading?
absolutely right bro, that's the weakness of beginner traders, often impatient so they tend to prefer short term trading styles and scalping.
if scalping might harm them, it might be more suitable for intraday purposes
I am rarely to trading based on scalping trading, although this is good to make a quick profit, sometime leading to emotion, in addition after open new order then the trend against these order, can being high emotion
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