To be ideal in opening an entry position for me personally one entry at a time because what I tred on the h1 time frame is only long-term, so if you want to open a new entry position, usually if the first entry is still wrong and doesn't match the direction of the market movement then to open a new position more waiting when changing the clock.
That is, if I am impatient and use the same technique, it is the same as if I open an entry in another pair, I wait first when the hour changes, so that sometimes in a day I can place an entry position and open a lot at most three entries while the lot is installed. 1: 3 for example like this, for example, for example, the first entry opens lot 003 and for the second entry 005 and the third one is 0.1, the same is good, use the technique, so also open a position in another pair as well as for techniques, which means that the pips distance is around 30 pips in the second position, while for the third position is waiting for the right time if the trend is not aggressive enough at the range of 50 pips, that's my own way of treding which is usually done on one pair on GBPUSD whose movement is also good and right for marti techniques compared to other pairs.