What is certain in the world of forex is the uncertainty itself, no one knows where to go where to go ahead, for example there is a trader who has been able to consistently consistently with a range of 10-20% per month, surely sometimes he will be wrong in the analysis and experiencing loss inside Trading and his account minus at the end of the month, this is where our capital strength is tested, when only using mediocre capital, when our account experiences minus, then do we want our family not to eat?
So try enough capital to reserve when trading we are not in accordance with the analysis, there is a reserve fund when our account is minus and can't be WD, actually with the existence of the forexzone forum is very helpful for us change traders to get real capital with unlimited quantities according to crafts and creativity we are in writing, so maximize this opportunity, when the bonus has collected at least 1000 $ new start trading rather seriously, compound if necessary until it becomes 10,000 $