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How to Train Discipline

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Not only in the field of trading, all fields require discipline to be successful. So indeed discipline is a very positive thing and we need to get used to it in our daily lives
true, discipline is necessary, because it includes the key to success in the foreign exchange business or any business, if we cannot discipline our small lines also will not succeed.8)
#16 - February 09, 2019, 05:45:26 PM

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Not only is money management difficult to implement, but the discipline of all trading components is very difficult to do if that discipline does not become our habit. discipline on rule trading and the trading plan that we have made will also be difficult

Maybe it is one of the arts in trading that must be mastered. Maybe someone like George Soros experienced something we experienced. Let loss and MC be a lesson for us, and never repeat the same mistakes. Again,

#17 - February 09, 2019, 06:12:44 PM

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Mind is related to mindset, there is a lot that we need to discipline in this section. Starting from the concept of trading (gambling / business), fast-paced mindset, overconfident mindset and much more.

Discipline in the use of money also needs to be noticed, so we need to increase knowledge in managing finances or what is more commonly called Money Management. As a trader, discipline in the use of money plays a big role when we trade, so we must be disciplined.

In this method or method section is related to trading techniques (trading system), and also anticipation (risk management). If we use a trading system without discipline, trust me, we can never be consistent with our income. For example like this:

The first month uses the A trading system, making 40% profit.
The second month uses system B, making 10% profit.
If we continue like this (not disciplined in using the trading system). Then our monthly income is also undisciplined and irregular.

The last point
Discipline in the use of time is also very important, it is possible if our trading hours collide with our work hours. So we must discipline the use of time so we can do both.

Thank you

Whoah thank you for sharing bro. Sometime we forget about what we focus about and that will make us loose from our trading strategy. 

It is hard ti be dicipline todays, even more when you are 25+, that age make us loose
#18 - February 09, 2019, 06:15:32 PM

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Maybe it is one of the arts in trading that must be mastered. Maybe someone like George Soros experienced something we experienced. Let loss and MC be a lesson for us, and never repeat the same mistakes. Again,
well, it is correct to make yesterday's failure or loss like a mirror to find out what our mistakes are, because in every trade there is profit or loss.
#19 - February 09, 2019, 06:16:38 PM

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Indeed trading looks quite simple and easy to do, but in reality many fail in trading. this proves that trading is not as easy and simple as it appears. Because in trading we must be able to defeat our lust
where discipline and patient problems are already on it

It's true that trading friends are really very complex problems, so we have to be smart in reacting. One of the foundations that we must master is discipline.
#20 - February 10, 2019, 12:33:09 AM

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true, discipline is necessary, because it includes the key to success in the foreign exchange business or any business, if we cannot discipline our small lines also will not succeed.8)

can you now be disciplined, if not why and if what is your formula to get used to discipline?
#21 - February 10, 2019, 01:17:42 AM

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Maybe it is one of the arts in trading that must be mastered. Maybe someone like George Soros experienced something we experienced. Let loss and MC be a lesson for us, and never repeat the same mistakes. Again,
We cannot avoid losses and surely we will get it in our next trading. But the MC is indeed a disgrace and it should not happen again in the future. Therefore, one way to prevent the occurrence of MCs is to discipline all the trading components that we have

#22 - February 10, 2019, 01:19:49 AM

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Whoah thank you for sharing bro. Sometime we forget about what we focus about and that will make us loose from our trading strategy.

It is hard ti be dicipline todays, even more when you are 25+, that age make us loose

Discipline knows no age, because discipline is a habit. If we are accustomed to always being disciplined, then at any age we will always be disciplined in everything, including trading
#23 - February 10, 2019, 01:21:18 AM

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It's true that trading friends are really very complex problems, so we have to be smart in reacting. One of the foundations that we must master is discipline.

It can start from now and it must be forced to start. So that if we are already disciplined for discipline then we will not like undisciplined actions, so we will be carried away in trading so that we can apply all of our trading components properly
#24 - February 10, 2019, 01:23:34 AM

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It can start from now and it must be forced to start. So that if we are already disciplined for discipline then we will not like undisciplined actions, so we will be carried away in trading so that we can apply all of our trading components properly
The opinion of friends is correct, if we are used to being disciplined then in the future it will be like that too. Because in the forex trading business this discipline is very necessary, if not disciplined, it can be dangerous on the capital we invest here.
#25 - February 10, 2019, 01:25:46 AM

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We cannot avoid losses and surely we will get it in our next trading. But the MC is indeed a disgrace and it should not happen again in the future. Therefore, one way to prevent the occurrence of MCs is to discipline all the trading components that we have

Margin calls are really not good, but for beginners, I feel it is only natural to take a margin call because the trained mental discipline that must be done after the Margin call is an evaluation of why we are doing it, and in the future more discipline is observed in trading.
#26 - February 10, 2019, 01:26:15 AM

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can you now be disciplined, if not why and if what is your formula to get used to discipline?
My formula for discipline is to make the family the first motivation, and the intention to make money to support the family, and don't forget to prepare a journal to record our small mistakes and don't forget to read our journals so we can correct our little mistakes.
#27 - February 10, 2019, 01:27:25 AM

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The opinion of friends is correct, if we are used to being disciplined then in the future it will be like that too. Because in the forex trading business this discipline is very necessary, if not disciplined, it can be dangerous on the capital we invest here.
When we are able to implement discipline in our trading activities, the profit will come automatically without us knowing it, that is if we are aware and want to apply it. Then the opposite if we can not be disciplined then we can experience losses or lose the amount of money that we will not expect. That's why discipline becomes very expensive.

#28 - February 10, 2019, 01:30:57 AM

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My formula for discipline is to make the family the first motivation, and the intention to make money to support the family, and don't forget to prepare a journal to record our small mistakes and don't forget to read our journals so we can correct our little mistakes.
we should record each of our transactions so that in the future we can evaluate why we will lose in the future we will be disciplined not to repeat the same mistakes when trading losses.
#29 - February 10, 2019, 01:32:01 AM

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To practice trading all you have to do is do it continuously. Then if you break it then you should give punishment to yourself. That way you are accustomed to discipline
indeed in the forex business if we have not been able to profit consistently then we are encouraged to study in a disciplined manner and also have high flight hours, usually a trader can be consistently profitable after plunging in over 3 to 5 years, with always disciplined learning. and also we are advised not to leave our main work before it can be consistent profit from forex
#30 - February 10, 2019, 01:38:29 AM


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