In my opinion, to help us in terms of discipline, we must have a triger. Something that can make us "forced" to discipline later. Namely the targets and dreams, with clear targets and strong dreams, then there will be something in us that can "force" us to always be disciplined on the rule, MM and the trading plan that we have made, because we will know if we are not disciplined apply it then our targets and dreams will never be achieved.
In setting targets you also need to think realistically. Many people think they can quit their main job, then start forex trading with small capital. They hear other people's words that forex can lead to wealth, you can make "lots" of money in a short time. Yes, indeed it is possible. But, as you know, 90% of traders in the world lose their money. If you set realistic targets or aren't too high to achieve comfortably, then you can trade better than others.the target is important but we also have to be realistic in setting targets
indeed, realistic targets will save us from great greed and loss. To "make it easy" for us to apply discipline, it might be better if we prepare a punishment that is worth it for ourselves when we violate one of our trading components, either our rule, MM or our trading plan. Thus there will be a feeling of "how" when we want to violate our discipline, so the application of discipline will become easier and realistic, meaning not just mere talk
yeah thats what i mean, it can ruin our trading plan and disturbing our psychology and that is not rading with discipline of course, i often check the chart for every 20 minutes now ahaha, and see what happen with my entry lol
I agree with you. Discipline also requires motivation, with motivation we can force ourselves to always apply discipline. Because motivation will be able to touch our emotional side, so we will do everything we can to reach our motivation, especially if our motivation is family
in fact it is very difficult to apply discipline in trading maybe we already know that to succeed in forex is a discipline but not all people can apply it in the forex market, it takes enough time and enough guidance to actually be able to apply directly in forex.
What makes us undisciplined and break the rule is our own feeling that the moment will only come once. Whereas in trading moments will come repeatedly "hostory repeat it self" So if we cannot apply the law of this dow, it will be difficult for us to be disciplined. Usually this is because we are targeting something that is not rational, so that it will make our minds no longer clear.
discipline needs to be trained and carried out continuously, because discipline is a habit. So the easiest way for us to be able to continue discipline is to get used to it and do it continuously
yes discipline on trade is very important because if not you will be nothing in fx market
MindMind is related to mindset, there is a lot that we need to discipline in this section. Starting from the concept of trading (gambling / business), fast-paced mindset, overconfident mindset and much more.Money.Discipline in the use of money also needs to be noticed, so we need to increase knowledge in managing finances or what is more commonly called Money Management. As a trader, discipline in the use of money plays a big role when we trade, so we must be disciplined.MethodIn this method or method section is related to trading techniques (trading system), and also anticipation (risk management). If we use a trading system without discipline, trust me, we can never be consistent with our income. For example like this:The first month uses the A trading system, making 40% profit.The second month uses system B, making 10% profit.If we continue like this (not disciplined in using the trading system). Then our monthly income is also undisciplined and irregular.The last pointTimeDiscipline in the use of time is also very important, it is possible if our trading hours collide with our work hours. So we must discipline the use of time so we can do both.Thank you
how much discipline should it be, if we cannot have basic discipline we cannot succeed bro, because that discipline is quite influential in trading forex.
Sorry, trader friend if you offend, have you practiced it in your life as a forex trader.
Yes really.....just in a day the discipline demands discipline, what else is called trade must be smart to maintain and manage well.
I think we have to apply what has become our target in the future if we want discipline in the world of forex, and we must be patient if we want success in forex
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