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Is Trading Evaluation Important?

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many traders now don't evaluate when they fail. different from the old traders who always evaluate when. getting the failure of a millennial generation trader now prefers. to play gambling to play with random methods even though when you make a trade it has to be. with a good system method, when you fail, you must immediately evaluate it even though with. same method at least you. look for your mistakes from which angle When you are wrong maybe from the point of view Open position management or analysis or use of stop loss or take profit. everything must be sought So that later it will develop appropriately
#631 - August 11, 2023, 09:08:09 AM

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evaluation is considered important because it can correct your wrong method. before because of that evaluation we will always use when we do. mistakes when trading forex because when we don't evaluate we will do the same thing we don't. will know what is wrong in the method and we will always get big losses because of that. never be lazy to make improvements or evaluations you don't have to. can fix everything you can only fix what is considered important. like psychological strategy management, you have to be able to evaluate all of that if it really interferes with your trading activities
#632 - August 12, 2023, 08:23:36 AM

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trading evaluation is considered important when we never win or we lose more than we gain, that's where we have to use evaluation because when we don't use evaluation we will get worse because we have clearly used the wrong method. We must also be able to think realistically about the future What's more, we use real money, so it's best if after we have lost more than 20 or 30% of our capital, we have to stop first, we use our time to re-learn using a demo account, we have to be able to find new methods that can really make us more profitable
#633 - August 13, 2023, 09:00:54 AM

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Evaluation in trading is used when we fail to open. position and getting defeated because evaluation is very important indeed everyone doesn't really mind it. evaluation issues but for us professionals especially evaluation it's very important because when we don't. evaluating we will forget that what we did was wrong and better. when we are wrong we have to fix anything we should not ignore. something is wrong if you want to be successful and consistent in forex trading.
#634 - August 14, 2023, 09:10:19 AM

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Evaluation is considered important when we lose, when we lose, that's when we evaluate all of our performance, we can't be lazy to evaluate, because it's for our future, it's for the development of our account method, because that's when we evaluate the first time we have to what we use is the analysis you should be able to see what went wrong there and the management leadership. Are you really the one who is greedy or what is called the wrong way of risk? You should be able to find everything
#635 - August 15, 2023, 09:37:36 AM

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Evaluation in trading will be needed when we are using it. the trading plan that we have made is no longer able to generate profits. consistent doesn't matter When you evaluate like that what matters is you can get a method or. system design that indeed can make you economically stable and. make you stable to get Profit active people like this. are people who always update their knowledge well so they can get deeper benefits for even better trading.
#636 - August 16, 2023, 09:40:17 AM

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When you experience a failure. then what you have to do is . evaluation because when you do. evaluation later all the defeats will turn out to be. profit and you will also get the new method you did after you. evaluate Don't be afraid to change methods because when you just don't. change your own method, then you will do the same thing that failed before.
#637 - August 18, 2023, 09:22:26 AM

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Evaluation with trading will be very important when we experience something. defeat or MC because when we do an automatic evaluation we will. keep trying to update all our methods so try when. doing trading we have to do a lot of evaluation even though we don't fail but we often get. floating minus. We also have to evaluate our Open positions because. that way we will not have a gap to fail and you will be able to continue to be consistent
#638 - August 19, 2023, 08:53:59 AM

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Evaluation when you fail is indeed very important so that you can get new methods. When you fail, not all of it has to be evaluated, only certain things because when you don't evaluate, the problem will become bigger, so it's better when you get MC or you fail. you should always be able to pay attention to evaluation issues regarding your method, the important thing is that your money doesn't run out.
#639 - August 20, 2023, 09:25:00 AM

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evaluation in trading is something that we really have to try to do when we fail because with the evaluation earlier we can find out what went wrong that can make us lose so we really have to be able to use the evaluation as best as possible when we encounter an obstacle Don't let us not do it evaluation and we tend to be silent and not take any action when it fails. So you must be able to respond to all those mistakes and immediately evaluate when it is needed
#640 - August 21, 2023, 09:56:45 AM

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Using evaluation is very important for us to do when we experience a failure because unstable emotions actually make it more difficult for us to trade in the right and simple way. So make sure that all evaluations are very important for us to use so that repairs become the main solution when we experience extraordinary failures.
#641 - August 23, 2023, 08:24:53 AM

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the use of evaluation is indeed one of the right ways at your time. failed in the middle of the road or at the time. You are the MC because with this evaluation you will find out what went wrong and you can make improvements in advance. first before continuing. Return You don't have to be afraid of failure. the most important thing is how you focus on trading with a good evaluation while you also have to be able to adjust your psychology and management appropriately
#642 - August 24, 2023, 08:32:12 AM

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When you fail, an evaluation is needed that can make you more successful. But before that evaluation is something that I think is our obligation as traders. When we get a loss, we don't need to evaluate all of our methods. What we need to evaluate is what went wrong and what made us fail, for example, open positions or signals or our analysis. we can fix everything
#643 - August 26, 2023, 07:42:12 AM

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trading evaluation is indeed very. important because with that evaluation we can apply methods that are more sophisticated than before because whatever you do evaluate that for sure. will make you even more successful as a trader who keeps improving and keeps doing. updating of the trading method that will make them even better by getting results because in fact we have to be able to thoroughly evaluate mistakes
#644 - August 27, 2023, 09:32:18 AM

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When you are having a hard time or you feel the knowledge you are using is. the longer the more useless you should often do an evaluation because when you. evaluate something that is not useful later you will find a method that suits you no need. forced to use because of unsuitable knowledge and you continue to use it. So later the bet is that your capital will be lost and you will be the MC later
#645 - August 28, 2023, 09:08:04 AM


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